Walmart has decided to offer new communication and incentive tools to its' employees.
My favorite is the offer of a Polo Shirt after twenty years of employment, and a new one every five year thereafter...
Honestly! Twenty years of service and they are going to give the gift of a polo shirt identifying the employee to all who walk into Walmart-asthe proud owner of twenty years or more of seniority????
What in the bejesus are they thinking??
A Polo shirt for twenty years of service?
I wonder if it is really meant as a slap on the insult...
Do you think the execs at Walmart were all sitting around that huge square conference table in Arkansas brainstorming perks for the line staff and they all came to the agreement the Polo Shirt was a "real nifty "idea??
I can't imagine what sort of group think got them to that point of agreement.
Maybe it was really sitting around at the local upscale drinking hole, imbibing on martinis and straight up expensive cognac that got them to the point of totally inane and imbecilic free flowing brain blanks....
I just can't imagine what they were thinking???
Does this seem like an insult? A bad joke? A message to employees not to humiliate themselves and to get out before 20?
Maybe that is the message.
Because anyone proud of wearing a "free" Polo for working at WalMart for twenty or more years has got to have a little screw loose somewhere....