Caution! We test, We Twitter, Those Sweet Old G'ma Days? Over!

Looking for a little common sense amongst all those pompous, blow hard media types?
You got it!

Friday, January 09, 2009

Nevada Governor-Buffoon Gibbons

Meet Jim Gibbons. Nevada's Governor. Today he announced he wants to cut teacher pay by 6%.
Nevada has one of the worst education systems in the nation. It also has the leanest. It is has the lowest per pupil funding in the nation.
If you don't know this idiot-you will soon.
His political career is over.
His political career is a classic tale of genetics. It is a lesson we did not learn with George Bush and we pay dearly.
It is a lesson we still have not learned in Nevada.
Never, children, never, never, never, elect a person because someone else in the family may have been successful.
Remember, boys and girls. Energy depletes each time it is cycled.
We have lots of humans in this nation for display as excellent examples of reduced energy.
I'd say Jim Gibbons is at the end of this particular cycle.

United States Burns While Washington Fiddles

Either our government no longer works or we have elected and/or support stupid people.
Either way we are in a process of old patterns which are not working. As we citizens stand by and watch our livelihoods, our infrastructures, our nobility to just and fair methods -government fiddles awaywhile our families suffer and our towns crash and burn.

We hear the word, "caution" when making decisions for the masses and we hear "NOTHING" when making decisions for the elite.

A few bad habits need to go-NOW

1. I don't care if it is an election year. Do the right thing. Tell us why.
2. Quit listening to lobbyists. If they cared about the whole picture we would not be in this mess.
3. Grandstanding does not work. Get off your pompous high horses and do what is right for us. Getting on the tube and telling us why you are screwing us just makes us mad.
4. If it didn't work a year ago, what makes you think it will now?
Try something brave and bold. We did not elect or hire you to get YOU rich, get over that.
5. Go into your job fighting for OUR country-not Japan, China, or India. Look for jobs for us. Change our trade agreements, quit borrowing from China, give us our jobs back, give the US companies tax breaks, not Toyota and Honda. Quit raping our economy.
6. Honor US. The workers. The autoworkers didn't create this mess because they were paid a living wage-it has always been from the top down. WE are stupid if we keep giving back our wages to keep wealthy stockholders rich-on our backs.
7. If you can't stand the heat of an honest decision, don't work in politics. If you don't get reelected, what did you really lose?
8. God I miss Paul Wellstone.