I grew up in a union town-Detroit. I remember the strikes and the guys without work-yes, but I also remember the guys from the south and the north and the west, the blacks and the Asians, the polish and Italians who worked hard shifts for the auto companies and were able to buy homes and live comfortable lives.
Over the years this opportunity has eroded for those with less than a college education. I consider that a travesty.
It was an opportunity for men and women to make a decent wage. It was those wages that enabled the baby boomers to get college educations so they could spend the last twenty years trying to bust the very unions that got them-albeit inadvertently where they are today.
of you can't recall a time when college was only for the upper classes. Most everyone else worked their asses off for less than livable wages.
Many of our citizens are back doing the same thing today working two and three jobs, living with more than one family to share housing expenses and the dream of buying a house is very close to being out of reach.
It is in this environment that Las Vegas teachers, short 1200 teachers, has a union which is accused of sleeping with the school district and the state government.
Teachers have double screws here. If they collect their retirement, they cannot collect social security. With low wages, lack of teachers desire to work here and the expensive location, it is no wonder teachers have become disillusioned with the union representing the teachers.
Enter Teamsters Union 14, who is going to take run at representing the teachers.
I say, take em on! We can't get much worse for representation. Our salaries are a joke. Benefits have been taken away from us this year and we have to pay for our retirement-because they didn't fight to have the state at least pick up that little paltry bit of coverage. Our health insurance premium has gone up, and we pay 600.00 a year to have them represent us.
Let them show us what they can do!
We can't get any worse than where we are.