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Sunday, August 09, 2009

The Las Vegas Sun incites the Birthers-again!

Obama needs to show his birth certificate
Owen Nelson, Las Vegas
Thursday, Aug. 6, 2009 | 2:01 a.m.

Are you ready for another round of craziness? This comment in the Las Vegas Sun on President Obama's birth certificate brought out all the colors again-and of course, staying on topic is optional.
I swear, the Las Vegas Sun prints the starter story just to mess with us. Must have been a slow day..Don't forget to look for the clincher comment in every LV Sun comment list(the leave it if you don't like it..kind of like, Where's Waldo!)

The column by The Washington Post’s Eugene Robinson in Tuesday’s Sun makes the claim that “No reason exists for taking ‘birthers’ seriously.” Remarkably, he supports his claim with a falsehood.

He tells us that state officials in Hawaii have produced Obama’s birth certificate. What they produced was a “Certificate of Live Birth,” something quite different from a birth certificate. Perhaps Mr. Robinson should answer this question: If Obama has nothing to hide, why does he not voluntarily release his real birth certificate?

DISCUSSION: 78 comments so far…

By indythinker
8/6/09 at 6:25 a.m.
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I've asked that question a dozen times and I have been told everything from "I wouldn't either to it's none of my business." Frankly, I disagree.

By AgMallard
8/6/09 at 6:37 a.m.
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Dude let it go. Or is this hard as does our leagally elected President represent a moment in history you are threatened by? First non-white guy. These stupid myths are simply a proxi for race as is the whole Muslim thing.

By mschaffer
8/6/09 at 6:42 a.m.
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Why is the Sun wasting everyone's time printing this cranks letter? Are they reminding us that a portion of our population has mental illness?
Given the number of times President Obama has had to prove citizenship in the past (ever try to attend college indythinker???) you nuts need to get a life.

By SgtRock
8/6/09 at 7:10 a.m.
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At least nobody made the claim that Obama orchestrated a terrorist act on US soil or knew about it before hand and did nothing.

God forbid that any crazed dumb nuts would make such claims.

By DouglasDemocrat
8/6/09 at 7:29 a.m.
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"God forbid that any crazed dumb nuts would make such claims."

Hey, those "dumb nuts" are just that - DUMB. And I don't care which side they're on.

Did the Bush Administration fall asleep on the job? Yes - they got a intelligence memo titled "Bin Laden Determined To Strike In U.S." and pretty well ignored it. Even the 9/11 Commission called them on that.

But to claim that they knew the specific target or had a hand in it? Come on, that's another one of those conspiracy theories that would require thousands of people with absolutely no leaks.

Just like this one - a certificate of live birth is, for all intents and purposes, a birth certificate.

But I'll tell you what - you call up the state records office for whatever state you were born in and ask them to send you a copy of your original birth certificate. See what kind of response you get.

By JohnF
8/6/09 at 8:33 a.m.
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Would Mr. Nelson care to explain what the difference is between a birth certificate and a certificate of live birth?

When I sent away to the state of Connecticut for a copy of my birth certificate a few years back, they sent me a "certificate of birth." If that is not the same thing as a birth certificate, how can I prove that I am indeed an American citizen?

Fortunately, the State Department agreed that the document was proof of citizenship and I was issued my passport. I wonder if they'd give me the passport today now that Mr. Nelson has told them I didn't really provide proof of citizenship?

Birther morons.

By Teaser
8/6/09 at 8:34 a.m.
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It was in the best interests of the Bush/Cheney administration to get McCain elected. Are you telling me that they - in charge of all intelligence agencies at the time (not to mention any connections still held by Bush Sr.) - would not have jumped at the chance to discredit Obama's birth status? It would have been the fastest, easiest solution to their problem.

By Jay Brice
8/6/09 at 8:36 a.m.
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This is to Owen Nelson:

Okay, what IS the significant distinction between a "birth certificate" and a "certificate of live birth" in Hawaii? Seems like a distinction without a difference to me.

By scott.swank
8/6/09 at 9:06 a.m.
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You blithering idiot. A "certificate of live birth" is what Hawaii calls a birth certificate.

By rumrunner
8/6/09 at 9:22 a.m.
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If Obooma wants to end all this its as simple as him just pulling it out shutting them up?Whats he really got to hide???

By DouglasDemocrat
8/6/09 at 9:32 a.m.
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rumrunner, he's already "pulled it out". and World Net Daily both have personally inspected it and decalred it authentic. Both the Governor of Hawaii and the Director of Hawaii Department of Health have stated they have the original on file and it is authentic as well.

What more is needed? An 8mm film of his mother giving birth while Don Ho sings "Tiny Bubbles" in the background?

8/6/09 at 9:40 a.m.
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Many states have changed the format on BCs. When I was born they took a picture of a "chalkboard" where all my info had been written in on. My original copy has a raised seal. Requesting a copy today, I'd get a "cert of live birth" on a generic form on a blue background with ONLY my parents names, my name and dob on it. My original has my dr, the nurse, hospital and serveral other pieces of info.

By SgtRock
8/6/09 at 9:54 a.m.
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"But I'll tell you what - you call up the state records office for whatever state you were born in and ask them to send you a copy of your original birth certificate. "

I have a copy of my original birth certificate (they keep images of the original) from North Carolina.

In fact, the only legal form of a North Carolina birth certificate is a copy of the image of original birth certificate.

In 2001, Hawaii decided to destory all the original copies of the birth certificates. Now, they just print a form that is off a database. The original signatures by the parent(s) and the doctor are gone as well as other information that was put on the form but not carried over to the database.

I think the newspaper listing of his birth is good proof that he was born in Hawaii.

He probably has a copy of the original birth certificate. He has chosen not to release that or even say if he has one.

He also has choosen not release his records from Columbia even though he has released them from Harvard.

What is he hiding about Columbia?

By DouglasDemocrat
8/6/09 at 10:07 a.m.
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"What is he hiding about Columbia?"

What's John McCain hiding about his time at the Naval Academy?

See, I can play this game too.

By henderson
8/6/09 at 10:14 a.m.
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Doug brings me to another point,

Al Quada attacked us or our interests at least 5 times, with another 3 attempts during Clinton's administration. Clinton also was offered Bin Laden by the Saudis and he refused, allowing him to go to Afghanistan and plot 9/11. 9/11 took years of planning, yet everyone wants to blame Bush who had only been in office 7 1/2 months. Obama has been in office 6 months now, when do you think he'll quit blaming Bush for everything?

Obama obviously doesn't care to make this right, or he would have presented his birth certificate already.

By mschaffer
8/6/09 at 10:31 a.m.
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Hi DouglasDemocrat,
I just got the biggest laugh out of your Don Ho "Tinny Bubbles" comment and appreciate that you have given the cranks all the respect they deserve.
Thank you!

By mschaffer
8/6/09 at 10:33 a.m.
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The story about the Saudis and Bin Laden is just that, a story told by conservatives to shift blame from Bush the Incompetent to President Clinton.
You will sway no one that doesn't already believe this nonsensical story so give it up.

By SgtRock
8/6/09 at 10:45 a.m.
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"What's John McCain hiding about his time at the Naval Academy?

See, I can play this game too."

Both man if they want to be the leader of the USA should release all college records.

By henderson
8/6/09 at 10:53 a.m.
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mschafer, I'm not sure what story you're talking about.

By stevem
8/6/09 at 10:59 a.m.
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the people that keep pushing this issue are to the right what the 9/11 people are to the left.

both just make their "cause" look moronic.

why WOULD obama release it?

the longer he goes without showing it, the longer he can make these people...and the conservative movement look like freaks.


By mschaffer
8/6/09 at 11:02 a.m.
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Your post above alluded to the supposed fact that the Saudis offered Bin Laden to Clinton but this was nonsense.

By crackedbeak
8/6/09 at 11:08 a.m.
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I just figured out why henderson wears the tinfoil hat, to conceal her hood. The birthers are not interested in a certificate, they just can't handle that we have a black man as President. It used to be you had to go down to the park to find the brain damage brigade, standing on their soapbox spouting their bile and hate. Now it's on every channel and every computer screen. The shrub was still blaming Clinton policies in October of 2006, two years into his second term. Distract and distort is the mantra of the right wing, do as we say not as we do. Look forward to beating your pants off in 2010.

By mikegino
8/6/09 at 11:15 a.m.
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Answer: Because its in Kenya!

By henderson
8/6/09 at 11:23 a.m.
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Even if you are right, Clinton had 8 years to capture or stop Bin Laden, who had struck at least 5 times.

Yet George Bush who had been in office just 7 1/2 months, was supposed to capture or stop Bin Laden from carrying out an attack that was being planned for years.

It's a very ironic double standard you have.

By rumrunner
8/6/09 at 11:26 a.m.
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If he has produced anything,than why is it still comeing up?Im neither repooplican,nor democrap,but i saw through this man before he even took office! Just look at whom he put into his cabinet,and whom is really running this country! Uncle Harry,and aunt Polosi are gonna run us right into world laughter!!!

By mschaffer
8/6/09 at 11:28 a.m.
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Bush and his appointees ignored and shunted aside Richard Clarke. Not only did they not listen to him they were incompetent about running the government in general.
Apparently, after 9/11 Bush the Incompetent lost interest in Bin Laden while playing with the shiny toy known as Iraq.
The first attack on WTC was prosecuted effectively by the Clinton Administration.
Now name each of the five attacks and let's explore what was or was not done.

By DouglasDemocrat
8/6/09 at 11:41 a.m.
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"If he has produced anything,than why is it still comeing up?"

Because apparently a document that was good enough for him (or any other citizen) to get a U.S. Passport, or enroll in college, isn't good enough.

By Auslander
8/6/09 at 11:47 a.m.
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Obama has already admitted that he was born on the planet Krypton. What could be more powerful than this voluntary admission?

By mikegino
8/6/09 at 12:26 p.m.
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Because its in Kenya with the rest of his hardly working family!

Is the planet Krypton in the same Galaxy as Kolab?

I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm glad he's out there looking out for us. No, I don't meam Obuma...I mean Jeff Lebowski, the Dude!

By henderson
8/6/09 at 1:11 p.m.
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I don't need to name each of Al Quaeda's attacks, the the information is widely available. Look them up you lazy slob.

Typical liberal, "do everything for me."

By mschaffer
8/6/09 at 1:47 p.m.
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You are a typical name calling conservative who makes accusations and refuses to back it up with data. YOU made the claim regarding the attacks, YOU show the evidence.

By henderson
8/6/09 at 2:39 p.m.
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Now I'm "claiming" Al Qaeda attacked us before 9/11? It is a well known fact. Are you seriously telling me that you are unaware of this?

I also "claim" the Earth is round. I also "claim" the ocean is deep. I also "claim" the sky is blue.

By gmag39
8/6/09 at 2:52 p.m.
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Did you know all birthers are from Uranus?

By LasVegasRocks
8/6/09 at 3:03 p.m.
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Until each and every "birther" has:
* seen
* touched
* smelled
* heard read to them ('cuz I don't believe "birthers" can read)
* tasted (yep, tasted)
Obama's birth certificate, they will not be satisfied.

"Birthers" are the best antidote to the return of republicans.

By dipstick
8/6/09 at 3:04 p.m.
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in reading these threads i can safely assume that the vegas heat is starting to affect you guys; go ahead, turn on the air conditioner to 'high' and for crying out loud 'chill out'!

By mschaffer
8/6/09 at 4 p.m.
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I have not disputed that there were attacks pre 9/11. You claimed there were five attacks prior to 9/11. Detail them.

By henderson
8/6/09 at 4:49 p.m.
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12/1992: a bomb went off at the Gold Mohur hotel, where U.S. troops had been staying while en-route to Somalia, though the troops had already left when the bomb exploded. The bombers targeted a second hotel, the Aden Movenpick, where they believed American troops might also be staying. That bomb detonated prematurely

2/1993: Bombing of World Trade Center;

10/1993: Killing of U.S. soldiers in Somalia.

6/1996: Truck bomb explodes outside Khobar Towers military complex in Saudi Arabia; 19 American servicemen killed, hundreds of others injured.

8/1998: Bombing of U.S. embassies in East Africa; 224 killed

10/2000: Bombing of the USS Cole in port in Yemen; 17 U.S. sailors killed.

I put this together in a hurry. There are also a ton of failed attacks or thwarted attacks during this span. I don't believe this is even a full list.

By getalife
8/6/09 at 5:55 p.m.
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OK, let me try a to inject a little sanity into this conflagration.

I did not vote for this Obama character and have posted many times my disdain for him and his ilk, but "birthers", let it go. You are starting to look like you all took the small bus to school and your ignorance is showing.

What is next? The moon is really made of cheese. Is there really a secret coded message that spells CHANGE but actually in xygorkin means armagedden.

As for you Gmag, I think I blew a snot bubble I laughed so hard.

By indythinker
8/6/09 at 6:12 p.m.
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mshaffer: "Given the number of times President Obama has had to prove citizenship in the past (ever try to attend college indythinker???) you nuts need to get a life."

Gee thanks for that!!! Been to college and graduated not once, but twice, working on a third time. So yes, I can read and think for myself and amazingly, ask questions once in a while.

Furthermore, I have to wonder about who isn't interested in what "their" president did while in college or law school or whatever! He runs the damn's our right to know whether you agree or not. And, with all his campaign BS...excuse me, rhetoric....about transparency, I think it is questionable that he WON'T release any records. But, of course the liberal left is so desperate for "change" they're selling their souls to the Devil and don't even realize it.

By gmag39
8/6/09 at 6:27 p.m.
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'pologize for that, getalife.

By GordonShumway
8/6/09 at 8:09 p.m.
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indythinker: I don't know what dark secrets you're looking for in Obama's educational history. It looks pretty impressive to me but probably you see it as getting a free ride via entitlement programs for black people.

Following high school, he moved to Los Angeles in 1979 to attend Occidental College. After two years he transferred in 1981 to Columbia University in New York City, where he majored in political science with a specialization in international relations and graduated with a B.A. in 1983.
Obama entered Harvard Law School in late 1988. He was selected as an editor of the Harvard Law Review at the end of his first year, and president of the journal in his second year. He graduated with a Juris Doctor (J.D.) magna cum laude from Harvard in 1991. Obama's election as the first black president of the Harvard Law Review gained national media attention.
I guess you would like a notarized copy of his grades? It doesn't compare to Sarah Palins educational accomplishments but you can't have everything.

By mschaffer
8/6/09 at 11:57 p.m.
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Now henderson,
Given that the blind sheik is now in prison for the 93 bombing prove Bin Laden was behind that attack.
For a more nuanced view of reality here:

By mschaffer
8/7/09 at 12:18 a.m.
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You went to college? It doesn't show at all!

By indythinker
8/7/09 at 6:10 a.m.
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You went to college? It doesn't show at all!"

Because I CHOOSE to decide for myself? Unlike the "liberal elite...(notice I didn't include you mschaffer because I am of the opinion that just being a b*tch doesn't necessarily gift YOU with intelligence.) You and the Pelosi's of the world can "kiss my grits."

That's the beauty of this country isn't it? You can ask questions freely without fear of retribution aside from some small-minded bloggers like yourself who think their opinion is the only opinion. Can I tell are WRONG! You have missed the point again. WHY?

Why don't you take your BS in Liberal Womens Studies like a good little follower and shove it...right after removing your head. Judging by your constipated attitude, there's room for nothing more. Two can play your nasty game although you are MUCH better at it than I.

And, Gordon...I can read just fine and could cut and paste exactly as you have. Forgive me for NOT taking your word or anyone elses at face value anymore. I'd like to see with my own two eyes thank you very much!

By henderson
8/7/09 at 6:57 a.m.
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12/1992: a bomb went off at the Gold Mohur hotel
10/1993: Killing of U.S. soldiers in Somalia.
6/1996: Truck bomb explodes outside Khobar Towers
8/1998: Bombing of U.S. embassies in East Africa; 224 killed
10/2000: Bombing of the USS Cole

There, I took that one off the list for you. What did Clinton do in 8 years? Yet Bush should have solved the problem in 7 months?

By Van Guard
8/7/09 at 7:48 a.m.
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Actually, I think the earth is more oval than round. Yes, the ocean is deep, but it can be shallow in spots. And I'm not so sure the sky is blue, but it appears that way to the eye. Outside of that, henderson does make a few valid points.

By mschaffer
8/7/09 at 7:54 a.m.
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I am amused that indythinker thinks I am a woman. Shows the quality of thinking going on there clearly.
President Bush didn't solve the problem in eight years much less 7 months. You wouldn't understand what President Clinton was doing so why bother.
You know there is a whole history of terrorism earlier than 1992 you seem to have left out...I wonder why?

By indythinker
8/7/09 at 7:56 a.m.
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Keep it up guys.... Sometimes I feel like it's a useless battle the way these liberal's parade around in all their "unjustified" superiority.

And sometimes when I read things like this... I feel like there is still hope for the America that we all know and love...despite her many faults.

"Hawaii state Sen. Will Espero, a Democrat, has confirmed plans to introduce legislation through which the state's lawmakers would force the public disclosure of all President Obama's birth documents held by the Hawaii Department of Health, including President Obama's long-form original birth certificate."

8/7/09 at 8:01 a.m.
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What a bunch of clowns! Get over it! Your guy lost and nothing you can do or say will change that. Some people are like pit bulls, they lock their jaws into something and never let go until you shoot them in the head.

By lvmachead
8/7/09 at 8:11 a.m.
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You people made my day. I needed a good laugh.

By mschaffer
8/7/09 at 8:25 a.m.
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indythinker=University of Phoenix?

By indythinker
8/7/09 at 8:26 a.m.
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"I am amused that indythinker thinks I am a woman. Shows the quality of thinking going on there clearly."

Was going off an earlier post from ages ago... if I'm wrong...oops! Please reinsert correct word from my earlier post...

By indythinker
8/7/09 at 8:29 a.m.
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mshaffer=University of the Eternally Sad, Rejected and Pathetic?

8/7/09 at 8:31 a.m.
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Ha, ha! Indythinker= Clown college. Sorry, couldn't resist joining in on the fun.

By indythinker
8/7/09 at 8:32 a.m.
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"What a bunch of clowns! Get over it! Your guy lost and nothing you can do or say will change that. Some people are like pit bulls, they lock their jaws into something and never let go until you shoot them in the head."

Our guy didn't lose...we had no guy!

A country filled with 300 million Americans and the best we could do was an over the hill, out-of-touch ex-POW, or a junior senator without experience, a questionable voting record,and questionable personal acquaintances...


By indythinker
8/7/09 at 8:41 a.m.
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lV4life: you should have tried resist that is.

By henderson
8/7/09 at 10:10 a.m.
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I didn't go back further than that because my point was that Bush was supposed to stop Al Qaeda in 7 months when Clinton did nothing in 8 years. So it's been about 6 months of Obama, it's almost time to stop whining about Bush.

In 6 months Obama has passed the "stimulus", Cash for Clunkers, extended mortgage credit, put together a plan for socialized medicine, passed crap & tax, and quadrupled the deficit.

I realize this gives you libs great joy, but he spent more time mulling over what dog to get his kids than he did on any one of these important decisions.

Obama can't continue to blame Bush, he may have inherited a bad economy, but he needs to take responsibility for the changes he's made, the money he's spending, and whether or not his policies work. This economy is his now.

By indythinker
8/7/09 at 10:18 a.m.
Suggest removal will never win this arguement with these "highly enlightened" people. Gotta hand to you for trying though!

8/7/09 at 10:21 a.m.
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AAAh Spank me and call me Palin! 2012 You betcha!

By vegasstudent
8/7/09 at 10:33 a.m.
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Owen's letter would be funny if it weren't so pathetic. Yes, someone posted fake birth announcements in Hawaii those many years ago just hoping that baby would grow up and be able claim U.S. citizenship and become President. Right. And now the state of Hawaii Department of Public Records is in on the deal verifying the live birth in Hawaii. What a plot - just ingenious.

By edgewise
8/7/09 at 11:52 a.m.
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Here's a thought: why don't the birthers prove that Obama's mom was in Kenya during his supposed birth there? Where's the travel documents, the plane tickets, proof of her visit?

They have nothing, just wacky paranoia.

By jaesun
8/7/09 at 2:12 p.m.
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the people blaming bush for not doing anything about 9/11 have as much clout as those people blaming obama for the current economy.

Bush got the memo about the attack and didn't do anything to prevent it
Obama knew that the economy was going bad and didn't do anything to prevent it

and mschaffer, obama won't fix terrorism in 8 years ever. no president will.

and any conspiracy theorists out there who would think the Gov't did it themselves or had a hand in it, LOL@You

And yes, this whole Birther movement or whatever it is, is retarded. and Yes, I am a Republican

By mschaffer
8/7/09 at 3:42 p.m.
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Given that terrorism has been around since the dawn of civilization I never thought any president could solve it.
the fight in Somalia in 93 had nothing to do with Bin Laden.

By formervegas76
8/7/09 at 3:58 p.m.
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right on mschaffer- don't waste your time with loonies like by buddy henderson. henderson, we'll never agree but have a great weekend.

By henderson
8/7/09 at 4:50 p.m.
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mschaffer, you are incorrect.

By dipstick
8/7/09 at 7:57 p.m.
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now its easy to see why vegas is underwater.

By getalife
8/7/09 at 8:39 p.m.
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mschaffer, the fight in Somalia had everything to do with Bin Laden and Al Queda. I know you will want proof because your lazy arrogant self can only shoot barbs; yet cannot figure out how to use google. Amazing!

You were too busy worrying about stupid things like man made global warming or whatever BS you thought back then.

For someone who regularly tears down conservatives you really are quite the drama queen; maybe that is why henderson was confused.

By lisa80268
8/7/09 at 8:55 p.m.
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OMG--you people are soooo STUPID! STUPID! CRAZY! I wish I could leave this pitiful country. I'm embarrassed to walk among you idiots.

By JahReb
8/8/09 at 1:38 a.m.
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getalife, you seem to be the village expert. Explain to us uninformed ones about the relationaship between Arbusto and Binladen Oil????

And who was that Einstein that traded Sammy Sosa about 500+ home runs before he became Sammy Sosa again?

See...two can play the stupid, 2nd grade gotcha game.

By caroleejam
8/8/09 at 7:53 a.m.
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If you really ask yourself, "Why am I wanting to see a birth certificate all of a sudden?" The answer has to be, "Because that's what a huge crowd of people are also doing this week".

No name calling necessary to see this.

By getalife
8/8/09 at 1:20 p.m.
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JahReb, so are you denying that Al Queda received huge amounts of money from Bin Laden?

Here is an excellent tip that will help you in life; Do not compare funding terrorism to trading baseball players, unless of course you are equating taking steroids to a form of domestic terrorism.

I believe you use the phrase; stay classy.

By mschaffer
8/8/09 at 3:41 p.m.
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I might be incorrect about Somalia although the sources for his involvement in that Bush Sr. inspired debacle are shaky.

By qwill
8/9/09 at 7:39 a.m.
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Why would they want to find/kill Bin Laden? If they did then they would no longer have a reason for staying in Afgan/Iraq.

By henderson
8/9/09 at 8:06 a.m.
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Not to beat a dead horse, but you've still given no explanation as to how George Bush should have prevented 9/11 after just 7 months in office, when Clinton had 8 years, multiple attacks, and did nothing.

By henderson
8/9/09 at 9:38 a.m.
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No need to "wish you could leave or be embarrassed" any longer.

It's still a free country, meaning you're free to leave if you hate it so much.

Happy travels.

By cnev
8/9/09 at 6:30 p.m.
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Ahh!The "free to leave" mantra.
What a perfect ending to these comments! Thanks for the great laughs!
I just love Las Vegans-
do it again, Sun-do it again!