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Sunday, March 25, 2007

Pissed off old lady

Three weeks ago I moved into my new condo. I have no mailbox key. No mail. Maybe it is sitting in the box doing a happy dance. ? The condo association tells me it isn't their business. They claim it is illegal for them to have a key. Against the law, she said. The Post Office claims it isn't a public mailbox. The original owner , at closing. tells the listing agent it was a messy divorce and she does not have mail box key. I call a locksmith. I can have my mailbox re keyed for 70 dollars. I do it.
Mail delivery sure has changed over time. Never had a mailbox key ten years ago. Had a normal mailbox. One that open and shut. I guess people steal a lot more nowadays?
I bought a bed in a box at Wal Mart. I couldn't carry the box into the house-it was too heavy. I took the wood out and carried it in a little at a time. In the process of moving the directions have gotten lost. I e-mailed Wal Mart. Two days later my answer-send us a copy of your receipt, where you bought it, and your name and address.
Fuck.I didn't keep the receipt. I just want a copy of the fucking directions.I went to Mal Mart-tempted to open the box and take the directions.
Went to customer service.
Asked for help.
Paged stock.
Never answered.
Sorry, she said, maybe if you walk back to stock you can find someone to help you.
Walked back to stock. No one could help me.
One guy showed me his name tag, "it says sales-he said. I can't help you.
Do you, readers, know what old lady rage is?
I am 53 years old. Maybe I qualify for old lady rage now.You know, the type of person you see in the store, that lady who is pissed and everyone turns away because they think, "just another old lady bitch.."
As I age I notice I have to work twice as hard to obtain assistance. I am not the cute little size three chic I was in 1980. Or even 1990. I am a middle aged woman who is starting to feel a little pissed at the incompetence out in the world.
My money is good. My service should be just as good.
I received a call from my insurance company on a Saturday night.
Progressive Insurance.
Please call 1800- and enter this number to receive an important message.
I call. "Your driver's license is from another state. Please call to verify.
I call.
Your birth date please.
Your drivers license number
What? I am going to give them more personal information?
I tell them I will look up their number on my policy and call them back.
I find out they have a drivers license number from Florida-where I lived 8 YEARS AGO.They do not have my Nevada license and they have been insuring me in Nevada for eight years.
I have had two accidents(not my fault) they have billed me for eight years. And they don't know why they still have me as a Florida driver.
They ask me-did you change it? I say, yes. I had to. I couldn't keep driving on an out of state license-in Nevada it is against the law and I could be fined.
Where does all this incompetence come from?

I am starting to become one pissed off lady.