If there is one major theme I am discovering about living is we can always change. Perhaps if we were ax murderers or something others would never believe any change were possible. But we aren't so we have an opportunity here, George.
I think you have been led astray by some powerfully manipulative people in your life, George. If I were your mom I would have kept Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld away from you when you were younger. You should have listened to your dad-I can't imagine what it must feel like for him to see you screwing up so badly and using such poor manners with leaders around the world.
He knew enough to pull up short. You don't know when to quit.
I look at this picture of you with your dad and I can't help but think you were raised with better manners than what you have displayed? Telling Al Qaida, "bring em on", trashing others by telling stories which aren't true-spreading damaging gossip, bullying and intimidating, using revenge tactics when you don't like something-taking your toys and refusing to share.
Now you grew up in a good home. Or maybe not? The arrogance seems to run in the family. This sense of entitlement. The frat boy humor. I think we can both agree your behavior is detested by many around the world and right in your own workplace, George! People find you dishonest, arrogant and condescending. Personally I think it has a lot to do with your out of control Vice President, Dick. You should not be hanging around him, George. He is a bad bad influence on you. You know better than to hang out with bullies. Or are you one as well? Just because he is bigger and older doesn't make him any smarter. I mean, he shot his own friend! Didn't your mom talk to you about this?
Someone once told me that failure is a precious moment to see ourselves with our psychic skin shed-no smoke and mirrors.
Perhaps you can use this this moment to take a good look and ask yourself, "Is this the man I wanted to be?" Is this how I want to be remembered?
It is never too late to make changes, George. You know what you are doing isn't right.
Quit listening to people who don't have yours or our best interest at heart.
Do what you know is right-or is it really too late for you?