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Saturday, September 01, 2007

Senator Craig's dueling selves...

Senator Craig's bathroom foray almost seemed destined to bring him the relief he must have, on some level, sought in a big destructive way.
A man who decried same sex relationships, strongly espoused family families and preached the christian pathway may as well have detonated a bomb inside his pants.

Why would he do it? Did you see his wife? The image of a Midwestern woman, full -round the middle, maternal material-oozing of family and mundane womanly living.

I find it sad to view a person battling the incongruencies of life-the feelings connected with the shame and the guilt. The denial-which has to be eating away at both selves-and I ask, "Did anyone ever know this man if he doesn't know himself?

Were those who love him surprised or did they already know who he is? Did they know it before he did? Can you imagine keeping his secret for years and years?

I don't think our world is such a condemning place that Mr. Craig would not have been able to live his lifestyle, work and be a productive citizen with some joy.

He is an older man now facing questions and answers which could lead him to that joy -I hate to think of what he considers alternatives.

We all have our own truths. We decide if we live them or not. Facing our own truths isn't without pain, discomfort or anguish. Most of us choose the Senator's way-not to face them at all-until they face us -