Can anyone forget the carnage of 9-11? Bodies falling from buildings? Brothers, sisters, wives, sons, daughters, grandparents, beloved family members lost in one morning?
Riveted to the TV, not wanting to look at the disaster, horrified?
The legacy we brought from it?
One massive disastrous America.
The emotional climate in America is leading us to our greatest disaster yet.
One huge carnage, where the fallout will be our children, our families, our elderly parents and those most vulnerable without our love and care.
Help thy neighbor?
Show thy papers.
Educate they children?
Not on my dime.
Support those hurting in today's America? Unemployed? Homeless? Disabled? Uninsured? Without food or shelter?
Regard those people with suspicion. Their misfortunes are self induced.
America sees the world as one big conspiracy and they plan to defend it from unseen evil.
The white race, the supreme ones, those with income will lead the foolish citizens , if ever there was a conspiracy, it is the raping of the naive and foolish middle class citizens who follow the rich at their own peril./
Many bright and enlightened minds have written fact ladened articles regarding the lemming like direction of American citizens.
What they do not realize is the citizens of America have stopped listening to the truth. Sensationalized journalism has courted them for the past twenty years and the results are people believe Fox News and Entertainment Tonight are credible sources.
We are an America demented, having lost the ability to think critically. Entertained by Survivor, seduced by Reality Shows and filled with junk food media reports between our bouts of stupid tv..
It is a disaster of the bloodiest, goriest kind. I keep trying to turn my face away from the carnage-stop looking, I tell myself!
But the horror of it is too great. And I don't know how to prepare for the aftermath or
and the absolute, deep, profound grief of losing my America, the land of possibilities and opportunity.
It is a deep, deep dark hole we are falling into, America.
Far worse than Alice's fantasy-land.