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Saturday, June 22, 2013

You Were So Great.., Too Bad You're Dead and Can't Hear About it..

James Gandolfini's unexpected death brought out the stars. Those who worked with him, knew him, were touched by him have set the media ablaze.
I hate to be a cynic but I imagine with the exception of those closest to him most who knew him did not ever take the time to tell him of the great respect and admiration in the atmosphere, all for him.
Like most people, life is a denial of one's death so we all have plenty of time to say important words to those we care about, respect and admire.
Unfortunately life, or the living don't really think in those terms.
The petty spats, the little grumbles, the built up arguments floating around inside most humans heads take precedence. We have a sky high divorce rate. Why is that?
Well, most married people can give you a list of grievances, perceived or otherwise.
The no return point comes when one of the partners begin to think, "I can do better than this. I DESERVE better."

Guess what? When you start thinking that way, it is the OTHER spouse who deserves better.
Marriage is like a good poker game- you'd better be all in if you believe in your hand.
If not, don't waste your partners good hand by pretending you have one.

Let's face it-death is the great equalizer. Great good people, and famous bad people all die. What we say to those we care about, others we cross paths with, even in small interactions, all have an effect on humanity.
As I drive in a 55 mph construction zone in Nevada while others race by honking and giving me the finger, I am not feeling very hopeful about humanity.
I am not inclined to return the gestures. In fact, I have learned to just accept 55 mph and relax.
Life can be like that. A relaxing 55 mph with a little kindness.
We need to remember we all have a "time is up" contract with life.
Remember the greatness, the originality and the feelings of care and love you have for others while life allows you the platform to say and show it.
Such an overused, caricaturist phrase, but so true, Life is short and precious. Mr. Gandolfini would have been honored to hear the wonderful thoughts and feelings so many people expressed about him.
How sad those quotes give the speaker more attention than him.