Freak us all out about identity theft. Warn us that the security of our bank and credit card accounts is our own personal responsibility-
and then send me a phone message like this:
"Hello, this is Wachovia.
Please call 1-866-211-6980 between the hours of -------
Call the number-
I'm serious.
"Welcome to Wachovia Bank
You have reached the overdraft and recovery security department.
Please have your account number or social security number ready."
My account is not overdrawn. I have no unusual activity to note.
So I start enetering a bunch of bogus numbers figuring this must be a scam??
I finally get a real person.
"This is LaToya McKenzie, can I help you?
"How do I know this is really Wachovia, I ask?
"It is the recovery department."
"So if I check this number out with my local bank it is legitimate?
"You can call them" , she pleasantly answers.
I do. I call the 1800-516-4176 number.
"May I have your account number?" I am asked.
Maybe you can help me without it"- I reply.
I ask him if the number is legitimate.
He checks,
Yes it is, he states.
Why would I receive a recording, not identifying me by name-
and when I call it,, the first thing I am asked is to enter my social security number or account number?"
"Doesn't that seem like a breach of my security?" I ask.
"What if it wasn't you and I gave that information to some scam recordings phishing for my information?"
"Well, it isn't, he replies.
What do you think??