MSN Money lists by state the top home foreclosure rates and bankruptcy filings.
It is no surprise Nevada is number one in both.
Yesterday a report released by our very own State legislative task force, New Academy Of Health found that Nevadans wear their seat belts more than anyone else in the US!
Isn't that marvelous?
We all know why! Police in our state are aggressive in giving tickets to anyone with a Nevada plate-our income is way down. Tickets start at 65.00
But wait!
That was the only GOOD news for Nevada in this report.
Nevada has the WORST graduation rates in the country.
The worst record of providing immunizations for children.
The worst rate of nurse per patient ratio.
46th in providing preventative medical and dental care for children.
Last for providing medical care to low income families.
State health spending was 1.9 percent of the gross state product, or 48th worst in the nation.
Our Gov. Jim Gibbons won his election, not for the people of the state, for big business.
Nevada has been notorious for treating citizens in an abusive and cavalier manner. After all, people are considered worker bees. Just like the old west-
Where the general store owned all the employees? Indentured servitude was a way of life.
Worker bees come and go health and well being are not considerations.
This is why Jim Gibbons has no compunction cutting services to the poor, disabled and elderly to almost non-existent levels.
It is also why he doesn't lose sleep over cutting education budgets 45%.
While the Las Vegas Review Journal purports to be the paper of the people, the circulation is dwindling rapidly because the only people willing to buy it are the right fringed lunatics it speaks to-
In fact, the dirty little secret of the Las Vegas Review Journal is you can buy the Sunday paper(2.50) at the dollar store for a buck !
If you are considering a move here, unless you are part of that top 10% income bracket remember what happened to those seeking riches during the gold rush days-
many died, abandoned , destitute and often having been cheated out of every dollar they possessed.
The west hasn't changed much, here in Nevada.