Like many other states, but probably second only to Michigan in the loss of one dimensional income-Nevadans are speaking their minds about what to cut and spare.
Mind you-the state has almost non-existent services for those in need-to begin with. (See Las Vegas Sun-01-11-09
In retrospect, I suppose we deserve our Governor-Jim Gibbons-his simplicity and moronic outlook on humanity seems to coincide with the following supporters-
these comments were taken from the Las Vegas Sun-a thoughtful article on the state of Nevada's economy and putting real people's faces to the cuts.
The Sun asks the question we all grapple with-What are our priorities?
While many responses were more positive than these-the viciousness of the citizens in Nevada is almost frightening
It is too bad the State government cut mental health services to the bare bone-it seems as if a few of these commenter's need a little medication.
Anger states it mildly-
Rage is more like it.
Ignorance isn't bliss-have you noticed? Ignorance is like putting a flame to a can of gasoline.
How quickly we buy into the worst without ever checking facts.
Peruse at your leisure.
And remember-
Nevada has the highest suicide rate in the nation-as well as the highest rate of crime.
Raising taxes most likely will result in more layoffs to private employees.
The Sun and Democrats shed no tears for that
If you want that model of high taxes and broad base taxes with a diversified economy then you should move next door.
They are having no problems
High growth...raise taxes.
No growth....raise taxes.
That is all you guys say. Raise taxes. the math.....we are already paying $1,000's of dollars in taxes
I guess you have not heard. State spending has actually gone up the past year over the previous year.
Also, there have not been any cuts in forms of layoffs or pay freezes or pay cuts or benefits cuts which tons of businesses have done this year.
God forbid if a government worker suffers. It will be the end of the universe.
The Sun can be the messenger of Cry, Cry Cry all they want. The simple truth is - Raise taxes on me and my business now, I will fire more people. Not because I want to, but because I have to to survive. And when I cant cut anymore (soon), I will close and file for unemployment and go on the states payroll.
Sorry for the bluntness - but I'm not buying into the pity party!
let the homeowners pay school taxes like the rest of the country and raise property taxes to reflect the state and city work forces you apparently seem to want to see grow daily into one of the costliest items you need to pay for and give even more benefits to your city and state workers,give them more paid days up or stop complaining.
Here's an idea: Either call it an "editorial" or keep your pro-tax, liberal agendas out of so-called news stories. You're not fooling the smart ones among us.
Then the answer is simple... the state should file bankrupcy. That would invalidate these BS contracts and we can start from scratch with something more realistic. Even better - public employees - PLEASE STRIKE! We can replace your useless butts so quick with people being laid off in California (not to mention those laid off here already) it won't even be funny.
Hey! I have an idea... all parents get together and decide how much the state should waste uhm.. I mean "spend" per child or whatever, then send them a bill for each child. That should end this argument pretty quickly.
There is a family down the street from me with 13 kids - rather than pointing fingers at the casinos, how about we have this family pay their "fair share" since they are "contributing" so greatly to our community with their ignorant spawn.
re: "It is time for the casino industry to pay their fare share." - yeah you typed that like a true CCSD administrator - kudos!
Hey - how can I get in on this public employee scam. I want checks for doing nothing! I can be like "CCSD Flooring Manager - Travertine Division III" and pick up my $120k a year. Maybe I can be the guy administering the guys keeping the jacuzzis and automatic curtains working in the administration executive offices on West Sahara
What can I say? Nevadans have spoken...