Republican Corruption in the past three years:
Ted Stevens
Larry Craig
Bob Ney
Tom Delay
Jack Ryan
Bob Livingston
Duke Cunningham
Sexual Scandals-with women
David Vitter
Jim Gibbons
Ed Schrock
Sexual scandals with men
Mark Foley
Bob Allen
Our culture loves moral outrage. Especially politicians. They step into dog shit repeatedly, trying to wipe the residue on the grass before anyone can smell it.
But we seem to have created our last bastion of outrage for our own homophobic fears.
Blase'-oh yeah, absolutely blase'-we have become when it comes to hook ups with hookers, adulterous affairs, even assaulting women in parking garages, like Jim Gibbons did and then smearing her reputation in the press aka Carl Rove style.
Nothing like destroying a woman to make a man feel powerful, eh?
Ah, but male sex? Outrage!
Our last bastion of morality.
Stealing money, selling out the citizens of the US, lying, spying, locking us up without a warrant, denying legal representation, ignoring our critical needs during time of disaster- *yawn*
Homophobia!! Welcome to the forefront of America's paranoid, judgement day act one of many more to come script...Welcome to Brokeback Mountain hell!!