Nowhere in his "Chainsaw Nevada" speech did Jim Gibbons mention his level of dislike for women.
As a qualified expert in Women's' and Children's' therapy, my observations of his behaviors over the past few years reveal disturbing patterns.
Chrissy-in a parking garage, lying and getting away with it only reinforces his sense of superiority.
In fact, he probably genuinely believes she asked for it. Notice how thoroughly her character was discredited? A man with a healthy ego would not have needed to so thoroughly destroy a single woman-it is like using a missile on a kid with a BB gun.
2. Best friends-former Playmate, probably was troubled and looking for support. Jim Gibbons took advantage of it. There is nothing more appealing than a woman's wounded spirit. She is most vulnerable.
3. Having an affair with a woman is one thing-having an affair with a woman when the husband is your friend is an angry and hostile act. Yes, men who have serial affairs find a real thrill in having an affair under another man's nose-(and the wife's) there is something deliciously cruel in it for them. His actions in this situation demonstrate his twisted reality-something very untrustworthy.
4. How he treats his wife in public-to announce a separation and divorce in the public arena is a message to wound deeply. It is an act of humiliation. My guess is Dawn Gibbons has looked the other way for many years. Yet she has been his steady rock. His nurturer-no matter what-she stood by him. His method here was to destroy-not just wound.
Considering she is a talented and educated woman in her own right, I am sure she has given him much good advice in the past. It is obvious without her he is floundering in his own delusional thinking and acting on it. She probably would have continued to put up with his affairs had he stayed loyal to the family. His election as Gov. allows him to think he actually has something to offer-and many prey upon his lack of intelligence and delusions of grandeur.
Without his wife's grounding he is rudderless and doesn't get it. I am sure we will see the evidence of this when the records are made public.
So why does all this lead me to think he is a misogynist?
His cuts affect thousands of women(far more than men) cutting education. His cuts affect children and young adults. Rarely do his cuts affect men of power.
Gibbons has such little respect for women-and let's be honest-hatred-what better way of (unconsciously) attacking than to cut the very livelihoods that make them powerful? Education and family.
Thousands of teachers in Clark County are woman. No survey has ever been taken, but if you lift the lid off the pot - you will find that these female teachers' paychecks support entire families, often as head of the household- many teachers today also support laid off husbands from the hospitality and building industries. The remaining cuts affect poor women with children and those who can least defend themselves-the mentally ill. Men are a part of this group, you rail! Yes, but the very characteristics of these populations are the ones Gibbons attacks in women i.e. Vulnerability--credibility-women are second class citizens in his mind.
Many teachers have children in our school systems . Wow! What a powerful message-to cut your mom's salary and your educational opportunities as well!
This is a dangerous and foolish man . Healthy men admire the strength in women as partners. It is a feeling of camaraderie. We are in this together -we will make it-
Men who love women see the greatness in their partners and feel genuine pride.
Jim Gibbons has cut the strings from his rock and his anger and immaturity are probably, unconsciously pointed right at that which he fears most-women with intelligence and (he feels) her power to destroy his poorly constructed and struggling ego.
If you are his friend, (real friend) I suggest you encourage--no-intervene-and get him into some serious therapy.
Actually, no harm will be done to the rest of us- but the damage he has created to himself is catastrophic. It is the hangover he will have, if he has any insight into himself in the ensuing years that will create serious problems.
Caveat-this article is based on an examination of his public behavior. Please do not misconstrue my observations as a mental health evaluation. I will leave that to whatever experts remain in this state, after these cuts are completed.