A silly but telling incident happened at my school yesterday. I am still shaking my head. Be mindful of this generation of teachers-twenty-somethings-
Someone placed about ten cases of snack foods on the "share table" in the teacher's lounge.No note had been left.
Another teacher and I were speculating and decided maybe the guy was there to fill the snack machine.
When we returned for lunch about an hour later, people were walking out with cases of snack foods. Each one held over fifty bags.
People were eating lunch and had cases sitting by their feet.
So I asked them,
"What are the snacks for"
Reply, "We can have them"
me, "Are you guys taking them all?" "You aren't planning on sharing them or dividing them up?"
Another reply-"well, there weren't any instructions or rules"
Off they walked/
These were teachers-role models for children.
You don't want to hear the rest of my teacherly-motherly-little lecture.
The snack dates expired and were placed on the table for the teachers to enjoy. The principal had to send an e-mail out that sounded like a parent to a child-"These are for teachers, they are to share-please bring them back"
The parallel to wall street greed struck me. Have we taught this generation anything is okay unless 1) explicit rules exist and 2) someone better be there to enforce it
because it doesn't count if no one says anything?
I find it an interesting consideration.
because it doesn't count if no one says anything?
I find it an interesting consideration.