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Sunday, September 05, 2010

Simple Rules of Communication

I work at an elementary school. I love my work. I can't think of another job I would want to do.
The kids are amazing.
The greatest challenge is getting 70 women in one building to communicate in an honest and straightforward manner.
A lot of backdoor, backbiting, insinuations seem to occur and usually I just stay under the radar and teach.
For some reason, this year, there appears to be more vindictiveness than usual.
Ironic, when we are teachers of healthy social behaviors and communication skills.

So I wrote a few simple rules that might reduce the number of incidents in which conflict is created by poor communication behaviors.

1. If you have an issue with someone go to them first to resolve it-avoid discussing it with others you work with -what does that accomplish?
2. If you aren't sure or don't know-ask and clarify.
3. Think positive! It may very well be a misunderstanding-never assume.
4. Always ask yourself, "How would I like to be treated in this situation?"- before you act on your feelings. We are supposed to be role models for young children. Are we behaving in the manner we expect them to behave, in resolving differences?
5. Accept responsibility for making our work environment joyful! Isn't that what we all want for our students and ourselves?