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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Thanks, Social Security--future baglady

Welcome to the new generation of bag ladies-those 25 plus year single working women, victims of the gleeful corporations slashing retirement benefits (because they can-"times are tough"), 401K's placed in the hands of the "investment counselors"(lovingly sponsored by the workplace), now dangerously near poverty in the retirement years.

What are the consequences of Social Security shortfalls?
Interesting question.
I have news for the government-Baby Boomer retirements are just beginning.
Screw Wall Street, banks, auto manufacturers and newspapers.
You better have a little file in your computer with my name on it and  one of those poverty stricken looking checks in there unless you want my new residence to be the White House lawn, shopping cart, pets, Coleman stove , portapotty  clothesline, and the sixteen garbage bags of junk (from my former life) I just couldn't give up.