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Saturday, October 10, 2009

President Obama-Nobel Peace Prize-Acknowledging Our Hope

I read somewhere that during our Presidential Election, many Europeans stated they wished they could vote.
A worldwide sigh of relief  waved over earth at President Obama's victory. His words -balm from a world of countries, many hundreds if not thousands of years older than our adolescent behaving country.
Sarah Palin spoke the truth about "going rogue". It is how the United States behaved, frightening countries, fearful; of our aggressive and unpredictable behavior. Wary and distrustful of an arrogant and immature government, so full of themselves, we sneered at global warning, ignored our citizens during disaster, and  told others, with a sneer and a spit to , "bring it on".
We believed our 9/11 was the most horrific event on Planet Earth, while genocide and starvation, rape and mutilation took place in a number of countries on a daily basis.
Slowly our own greed eroded our financial system, a cynical corrupt government overrun by lobbyists turned backs on Americans, and eventually, on election day, we watched, as our country's own greed and lawlessness rippled through our citizens, affecting the health and welfare from babies to seniors.

Civilized countries, struggled with the fallout of Americans greed and recklessness, yet the safety nets remain,
health care, senior care, infant care, remains a staple in those countries. We, however, seem to want to self destruct, hanging onto a belief that it ain't broke, so don't fix it.

That Nobel Peace Prize is a dove, holding an olive branch.
A message to President Obama and all those who elected him, that yes, we are on the right road- at last. Civilized countries reach out with that prize, to give us hope, encouragement and a heartfelt message-
Yes, President Obama, Yes, Americans who support his policies, You are on the right track-help us , our world, evolve, move toward a peaceful planet-where each of us is worth the effort to reach out, listen and solve problems in a non aggressive way.
Don't lose hope, President Obama. Stay the course. I believe in you. Do what it takes to lead us into that new world of civilized behavior. We will turn our backs on those who will do whatever it takes to destroy our vision. We will keep moving forward.
Let those who believe they would rather destroy our country than have a government which is led by a black President, who represents the hopes of our world leaders, cry aloud, cry "wolf" let them step up to say their piece so we can disprove them, reveal their lies and true mission-that  they would rather see our country disappear than work toward a better world.
Those of us who are old enough to observe history-we see the damage done to our country-the attitude and feelings of hate and cynicism. The loss of respect, the lack of values. The very fabric of our country's democracy has been torn, burned, mutilated- hardly recognizable.
The Nobel Peace Prize is the civilized world's gentle hand on our shoulder, nudging us forward , as we awkwardly, move through adolescence, into an adulthood of responsibility and consideration for all.