June 18, 2009
Dear Democratic leaders,
What in the hell are you doing?
Harry and Nancy, can't you keep your kids in line?
You are going to give this country back to the crazies and the only reason will be the sheer disgust of supporters at your utter lack of cohesiveness.
An obvious flaw you all might not notice? No teamwork! You have members out there spouting off to the media to make a name for themselves -damn the teamwork. Every time I turn on the TV I see some red herring democrat vowing not to follow party lines.
What the hell!
You were elected to follow party lines.
Message to the egos-if you want to make a name for yourself-you are doing it-you will get voted right out of office. You don't think people notice backstabbing??-that's not independence-it's disloyalty and voters remember come election time.
Lately I am not a big fan of any party. Personally, I think the party is over for both sides.
But I am trying to give you a little advice here-you are going to lose your asses if you keep this up.
Citizens WANT affordable health care coverage, they DON"T WANT your sucking up and taking money from health care lobbyists and spinning it by calling it "independent thoughtfulness" on your part.
Voters want you to quit sucking up to the financial sector and get the country out of this mess.
Nail those credit card company extortionists.
US citizens voted for President Obama. Give US citizens what Obama promised. Quit undermining your own frickin party!
The Republicans party looks like satanists right now but you know something? At least they followed their leader-they got things done. Nothing voters wanted for sure-look at our country!
You are going to lose the opportunity to make this country whole again-or is that it? That is what you want? Your election is all about the money from the PACS, the lobbyists and your ego?
Keep this up and next election we will have a country comparable to any oppressive regime out there-and the Ayatollah (Gingrich). (Limbaugh),(crazylady Palin) or some other wing nut will be cramming their version of "Family Values" down our throats.
Get with the frickin program or you won't have a seat let alone a platform.
Follow the damn sheep and get something done up there!