Americans thrive on the lowest common factor. I'm not sure if it is us or the media. I don't care to read about lowlife behavior so I usually skip it. I wonder, do others do that as well?
Perhaps the media might want to take a look at the falling numbers and not just attribute them to the economy. Maybe more people would pay for news if it was real and not just sensationalized.
Advertisers might have been buying their space in the good times, but that doesn't necessarily mean people were reading half the junk they print or film.
Here are a few of what I consider wasted space media frenzies right now,
Rush Limbaugh-God give us all a break. If he speaks for the Republican party they are in one sorry state. I am sure I will hear from some of those who believe in him. That is what is so scary.
Blogovich-Why are you wasting time on him? He epitomizes the corruptness of government and the stupidity of the this generation of politicians.
The lesson here-it's who you know not what you know.
The eight babies and the crazy mom. Sponsors? book deals? Why not have Ann Rule write her story, for goodness sake. Those poor babies. An obsessed woman with no common sense.
Sarah Palin-Please, no more. I beg of you. No brains. Fluff. Let's just leave her in her melting barren wasteland where she can do little harm.
McCain-(and the rest of the worthless Republicans) when they have some decent ideas, print it. Otherwise. don't print the fluff. I don't care that they don't want to be the "NO" party. I care about what they plan to do to fix this mess they made.
Michel Phelps and his Bong-isn't one day enough coverage or does he get a book deal on this one?
Former Reality Stars-What an insult to all of us. Turn TV into one big buffoonfest -glorifying what was formerly known as trailer trash behavior. And to think Jerry Springer is the grandaddy of it all.
American Idol-Is it not gone yet??? Please, I don't want to watch the judges going gray, with potbellies. Be done with it or retool it. The formula is old and stale.
Bernie Madoff- notice that smile of his in almost all of his pictures? He laughed all the way to the bank! If it is too good to be true, it isn't. His fleecing of the wealthy doesn't seem to cause him to lose one night's sleep. He represents the greed and avarice of today's culture. Let's just follow his trial and quit dragging his name into the paper everyday with some stupid article on the vase in his house. Aren't people angry enough with the banks? Let the rich agonize over Bernie-he didn't steal our 401K's-Wall Street did.
I'm sure you can think of hundreds more. Feel free to add them.
Oh! Do you think we could have less speculation and more facts about the state of the economy, CNN?