Caution! We test, We Twitter, Those Sweet Old G'ma Days? Over!

Looking for a little common sense amongst all those pompous, blow hard media types?
You got it!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Let Occupy Wall Street Ear Cake..

Mainstream media's efforts to ignore Occupy Wall Street, minimize  or deride it is interesting. One would have to do a little research to identify the actual owners or
members of the boards, but it is telling. One has to do some real digging to find the stories. How can that be? Rome burned. Hundreds of thousands took to the streets is many countries. One would think it would make headlines!
Why encourage the masses, why incite what already exists?

For those who choose to minimize this outpouring of anger-you might want to think it through. Unheard voices, thousands of them, don't disappear because those who own the 99% of the entire pie decide those voices are unworthy of their attention.

One poster likened it to their four year old having a temper tantrum.
Really? If you ignore it -it will go away?

Our nations politicians better start paying attention.
When you call citizens of a country, speaking out about injustice "mobs", you may become right.

Have we not learned from past movements in our country? Have we not matured at all? Do we really need to return to the violence and protest of the sixties to hear the nations voices?

An enlightened society would be beyond all that. We would have been ahead of the curve. The same failed policies that got us to this point continue to be the same failed policies our politicians want to continue to enforce. Make new cheese, fools!
Have we not learned that making the same mistakes with no new results is called abject failure?