1. Politicians...We need to import some aliens. Our system sucks. Bring on those intergalactic warriors with the death star-let's start over. Take 'em to the trash!
2. Gasoline ..Don't tell me after all these years of sucking petro from the bowels of the earth we can't invent an efficient source of energy- take those oil barons to the trash...
3. Media What a bunch of cowards... What is the truth? All I can say is what great entertainment-spin! Take 'em to the trash!
4. Banks, utility companies, grocery stores, credit card companies, cable and Internet, health insurance,telephone and those ugly oil barons-every time they tell me they have to increase prices and gouge me I want a salary increase! Private enterprise my ass! The only thing private going on here is the huge salaries corporate officers get while we get sucked by the bone marrow for that extra dollar.
Next time you want to increase prices write a letter to my employer and tell them how much they owe-cause they sure aren't giving it to me in the form of commensurate pay..
5. Government Services that WE pay for and treat us like dogs...e.g. DMV, Courts, IRS, Vets Facilities, you get my drift...we pay our money for public services which require us to stand in lines for hours to talk to rude, uneducated people so they can find thousands of creative ways to say no and make us locate one more bit of information which wouldn't make a bit of difference half the time-it's called bureaucracy and it belongs to us-remember-we pay for it??
While I'm on the subject let's talk about that "booklet" the IRS sends you to figure your taxes..hahahahahhaha- if it wasn't so ominous looking I would think it was the rules for one of those sweepstakes no one ever wins..gee..maybe it is!
You need a PhD to read it and follow the instructions-I say fire 'em! We paid to hire them and they are doing a shit job-if you want my money make it reasonable for me to pay it...take em to the trash!
6. Any company you have to pay for that gives you a window of 4 or more hours to get something done. When you have to take a day off work to have something done that you are paying for they should be at your door at the crack of dawn or the middle of the night if they want your business,,this garbage of waiting all day to pay your money for a service that the business seems to think they can do at their leisure is garbage. If we had more choices, we could take them all to the trash and they might treat us and our money with a little more respect.
Take these suckers to the trash!
Enough Pissed Off Old Lady for one day..