You have a dad who stills know how to play. What fun is that?? Your life will be full of magic. Parents who know how to play are far and few between. He will wake you up with bubbles on a Saturday morning, sing songs to you on the guitar to fall asleep at night and make even funnier faces than you will ever be able to---you can't ask for more-except
You also have a mom with a heart of gold. She is already majorly(my word) in love with you-and you will have real meals(she can cook), clean clothes smelling of fresh air and lots of pets. She is a guru of pets. She loves animals. So you will learn all about loving not just from your parents but from whatever pet you have as a family member. You are one lucky dude.
You also have other family members who you will get to know exceptionally well-
an aunt with children so loved it makes your favorite teddy bear look sad-and she will -count on it-love you as much-and an uncle who will also play songs for you as part of a duet-with your dad.
Two cousins-one who will teach you manners and the other the way of boys-
A teen age aunt in the midst of her own angst who will love you the minute she gets to hold your tiny little hand
and a Grandfather-who has always had an inner teacher, and I think, has been disappointed for awhile that his Daddy Nature Trips have been on hold-
And Patty, his lifelong partner, who has taught your grandfather the meaning of loyal-and she is gonna love you-in fact you will probably get your first handmade gift from her-she has talents.
You are lucky-because although Grandma can't do tea parties and take you for walks, she gets to touch and smell you and she will know you, Kasen, it is a gift to be 90 and be able to smell the smell of your great grand baby- great grandchildren-your cousins know it-someday your parents will tell you all about Grandma and Guns and Roses...
Maybe we will save the part about your new home for another letter.
Welcome, Little Buddy. Life is good for you-we all promise you that....