Kids don't have a clue, do they? If they only knew how deep the well runs from mother to child, they would be astounded at the power and enormity of mom's love.
I remember the day my son was born-21 seems young today but that was a respectable age at one time. I held him and my brain registered this HUGE responsibility, my internal voice recognizing with awe, DEAR GOD-THIS IS FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE..and it is..
Roses-to moms
Pink Roses for moms who read to their children and read with them as they mature.
Yellow Roses for moms who, with their absolute faith and confidence in their children, allow them to take risks and learn from natural consequences (within reason, for goodness sakes..)
Double roses for single moms , never sleeping, working at work and working at home, exhausted, yet never losing the commitment and desire to parent.
Scarlet Roses for moms of children with disabilities-because they know the potential and talents of their children and they fight for them.
Teacher versions of Roses for moms who make sure their kids do their own science projects, homework and book reports.
Red Roses for every mom for the birth experience -and the willingness to have more after the first!
Rainbow roses for all moms-just remember, moms shape our society, our culture, our mores and our beliefs -men don't ever kid yourselves,
every nations' leader had a mother, each artist, poet, writer, teacher, monk, priest, athlete, genius, great dad, great boyfriend, loyal friend, musician, and a even a few slackers(ha).
Happy Mother's Day