That is what the Nevada media should be headlining!
This is actually a picture of teachers in China!!
Freakin China!! No human rights China!!
Where is our rally?
Parents and teachers stand side by side by the thousands, and tell Gibbons, NO.
Schools districts, unions, educators , parents and children -stand together and let the state of Nevada know that our children are not up for bid to the lowest state contracting crony of Jim Gibbons.
Nevada's citizens -this is child neglect. Set an example and empower your children
Where is our rally?
We need to do this.
Teachers-shame on you for rolling over and playing dead.
Remember, we are a country with the right to free speech?
What are you teaching your students when you walk around muttering, "There is nothing we can do..."
CCEA? You make me sick. More platitudes about letter writing and calls.
CCSD-Ruffles tells us , "Oh, write the Gov.", he'll listen."
The largest school district in the state of Nevada-Clark County-where is your rallying cry??
Am I missing something here?
Or is this lunacy real??