say the words, boys and girls-
"deeply sorry"
Between Ensign and Sanford, we just can't keep up with who is doing who..
The cliche's from the good ole boy network are just pourin' out-sweet little boys gone wrong
-they are deeply sorry
-regret the pain caused to wife and family
Someone ought to just write a speech-they can all keep it in their pants, - maybe read it before
both legs are out?
Outrage!! Oh, wait! Fox wasn't outraged-they gave Ensign a heads up and then lied about it.
Oh yeah, the Cheatin Man's Prayer Breakfast applauded Engisn's confession, cause the lord forgives-he likes nothing better than a fallen sinner-and Ensign, the Promise Keeper is one sinner the lord is salivatin over...
Sanford can tell some exotic stories-too bad he keeps changing them-looking for a long weekend but forgot to leave a forwarding contact-how stupid is that?
I don't know if he is sorry yet-but look back a few paragraphs. and recite those words.
As a former therapist I can tell you-these guys want to get caught. The Russian Roulette they play has more to do with their own inferior opinion of themselves than it does having the taste to cheat.
The down and dirtier the better. Ensign having sex with a friends wife. I have a feeling the friend knew at some point-more to that sordid tale-but Ensign's behavior was definitely on self destruct. Some people choose that method to activate major life changes. If you burn the bridge, no going back-
Well, the boys can join the legislative cheaters and liar club now. They all forgive each other and ignore the ones who voted them in-because "they just want to get back to work"
Guess what? I don't want them to "get back to work"-look at what they were doing with our time?
I say, "Don't get back to work"-your definition just isn't what we citizens are quite looking for..