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Saturday, May 26, 2007

Nevada-A Bastion of Loonies

Welcome to Nevada-and you thought Mississippi was bad..
Proud state of being last in just about everything:
-Last in education funding per student
Last in our willingness to advocate for the homeless
-Last in our ability to protect children's rights
-Last in our ability to protect women and children from domestic violence
We are however, FIRST in auto thefts in the nation!
First in the highest foreclosure rates in the nation
The above people are here to tell you the story of the latest Las Vegas debacle-this of course, after coming off a year of arresting , and placing three of our esteemed county commissioners in prison for accepting bribes from a strip club owner -who actually got the lightest sentence.
One of those commissioners was a 60 year old grandma who sent her grandson to an expensive ski camp with the bucks..but more on that later, as two more are in the process of investigation for stealing campaign when it happens!!
The first photo is an outdated, (sad in any form actually) of the owner of the Las Vegas Review Journal-a better read than any National Enquirer you encounter-
he supported the little guy with the weak chin-above-our current governor extraordinaire-who needs to take his meds more often-more on that later.
Sherman Fredrick believes Child Protective Service workers -one of sorriest in the nation-should be required to pay for their own training. At first I thought he was jesting-then realized he is not only serious he eats cake while the poor starve...
He believes in the Iraq War and is still trying to convince the voters in Nevada that everyone else in the country does as well. Since the LVRJ is the largest newspaper in the state he writes his fairy tales leisurely and no one seems to take him seriously although no one seems to want to throw his ass out either. Such is apathy in a town of corruption.
He has spent the last year telling everyone the housing market in Las Vegas is fantastic while every other CREDIBLE news source writes about the overinflated housing prices and the rising default rate. (e.g. NY Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal...even the Iowa Times reports it- haha)He continues to write about a strong job market, people moving in droves to live in this overpriced town.
Actually, the Las Vegas housing market in currently the WORST in the nation.
Nothing like getting the real news to the people, eh?
Well, he supported Gov. Jim Gibbons-the guy above, with the weak chin? He was voted in last year amidst a scandal of attacking a woman in the parking garage in Las Vegas. Of course, in this town discrediting a woman is an easy thing to do-so that was no big deal-just call her a slut, put a few risque pictures in the Las Vegas Review Journal-courtesy of Sherman-and trash her daily until the election.
No problem. Jim Gibbon's problems didn't go away-the FBI is investigating him for accepting money while he was a Congressman-a perfectly acceptable illegal thing to do in the Republican Congress-as we all know-and so what does he do? Starts up a slush fund for his defense while Gov. without reporting any of the donations. Gov. Gibbons can't seem to quite grasp the concept of NOT TAKING freebies while in public office.
I suppose that is a difficult habit to get over after having served in the "What's in it for me" Congress of the early 2000 years...
Throw in a little amusement with Judge Halverson, currently feuding with the rest of the Family court. Her front yard is a garbage dump, cited numerous times, her husband is a felon with a notable record and she hires body guards to take her to court to protect her from the rest of the judges and demands foot massages from her bailiffs.
So far, four bailiffs have quit -I think she is using 1)Kelly temps or 2) Stopping by Bonanza Avenue to pick up an illegal immigrant to work for low pay(a common occurrence in Las Vegas).
There really isn't enough room to show all the incompetence in the state of Nevada-e.g. Bob Beers, State Rep who pushed a bill to have teachers carry guns in the classroom...
Mayor Oscar Goodman, former Mob lawyer orders the Las Vegas Police to round up the homeless on holiday weekends and put them in jail for three days. This keeps the tourists from seeing how awful our homeless problem actually is. He touts Gin for a national company and likes to be photographed with showgirls.
The ACLU has been to court with the Mayor many times-Mayor Goodman once wanted to make a homeless shelter out of a closed prison 40 miles from the city if Las Vegas-(how transparent)-has outlawed hanging out at parks so homeless people can be arrested-but if you remember-we are labeled as one of the meanest cities in the nation toward homeless people.
If Oscar had his way if we lost our house key we would be living in Jean, Nevada courtesy of the prison system.
Welcome to Nevada, folks-
if Rod Serling was still alive...he could meet the REAL Twilight Zone.