Caution! We test, We Twitter, Those Sweet Old G'ma Days? Over!

Looking for a little common sense amongst all those pompous, blow hard media types?
You got it!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Nev. Gov. and Bush-A twofer speech time!

Tomorrow night is a big night!
George Bush wants to sing his Swan Song after raping the country even more to the tune of billions of dollars in the past six months. As he moves on to his gated community-which only recently allowed blacks to move in-he wants to reiterate his famous words, "Brownie-You did a heckofajob" and "Mission Accomplished".
You can bet his rich friends will be there to support his legacy-of supporting those who supported him-to the exclusion of our country-remember "The Good Ole USA"- George???
Hopefully, out of the woodwork will crawl Dick Cheney in his night goggles-to reside at another dark, dank location which supports monetary, power hungry vampires.
Lord knows the two of them have sucked the lifeblood outta this country.

Why the Three Stooges?
I dunnoh-let's throw in Rumsfeld for old times sake-or Karl Rove -who we last saw slinking away, snake like. after his ugly strategies failed to elect McCain.

AH -but the twofer-Jim Gibbons is actually going to televise his screw you -poor, moderately living and middle class(isn't that a joke of a phrase now days..) citizens who are being laid off by the hundreds-promising-yes-promising-NO NEW TAXES!!
Yessiree-now that you all are laid off-he promises there will not be a service left in the state to help you all out-since you have no income and aren't paying taxes in Nevada right now-don't worry your pretty little low life heads.

This ones on Jim-for his RV buddy and that new guy he wanted to hire -you remember the one who handled luggage at Reno Airport-the one he decided to hire because his RV buddy told him to go ahead and break the rules...

DO any of us really want to listen to this twofer?? Haven't we heard enough from this peanut gallery we all so sheepishly elected? (Well, I didn't-but SOMEBODY out there did..)
I promise I won't ask who...
Let's just get them out, be polite and get back to work picking up the rubble left behind, sift through it and see if we have anything salvageable to work with.