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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Las Vegas insulted by Pres. Obama?The truth hurts


The insulted Mayor Goodman

Gov. Jim Gibbons
Read today's headlines in the Las Vegas Sun.
Our legislators just decided to pass on legalizing prostitution as a revenue source for the state of Nevada. They would rather consider that than require the mining corporations and the businesses pay any kind of taxes. Most of our revenue is on the backs of working people and the poor.
It is a belly laugh to consider Las Vegas insulted by President Obama's remark that "No, corporations cannot go to Vegas on the taxpayers dime.
Now our Tourism Council and the city are freaking because corporations are cancelling reservations.
What did they expect when we have a media slogan stating, "What happens here stays here", and a Mayor who advertises for a gin label?
What did they think the world thought of us?
Las Vegas deserves to fail.
The state doesn't care for the citizens, basically the majority of those with money believe if a citizen is ill, disabled, homeless, poor, mentally ill, medically disabled, and now, sadly, unemployed, they deserve to suffer.
Our slogan. "What Happens Here Stays Here?
Is the absolute truth.
If one person who came to this city to party had any idea of how poorly this state cares for the people who live in here they would boycott Las Vegas.
The homeless problem,?
Do you know that before any major convention many homeless are arrested for vagrancy?
Do you know we are the suicide capital of the Unites States?
People who live here and leave increase their chances of staying alive by 50 percent.
We also have the highest crime rates, the highest auto theft rates, the lowest infant mortality rates and the worst funding for any population you can think of.
In fact, right now, Gov. Gibbons has decided to HIDE the availability of medical coverage for children and services to the elderly because the state doesn't have the required money to pay for their portion of the federal match.
Don't come here. Make Nevada clean its house. Force them to deal with the inequity of the tax system, care for it's citizens and ensure a decent education for children.
Boycott this nasty town until it becomes a REAL HOME for the people doing the grunt work for the casinos-shame on the state of Nevada.