"We want to protect education as much as we can..Jim Gibbons"
Gov Gibbons has a mission-to destroy the state of Nevada. Killing education will do it. Ignoring the wisdom of educators was the beginning of the end. Breaking the unions will finish it.
Gov. Gibbons is not a bright man. If he had the ability to reflect, use those higher power thinking skills taught in school, he would come to the conclusion educators, business leaders and owners, corporations and research scholars arrived at years ago-killing education is the death knell for a state.
Corporations will not expand or build in a state which places such little value on education -they desire an educated climate. It
is good for business. Employees of major corporations do not want to live in a state which places education at the bottom -nationwide.
This line of thinking really isn't one. Gov. Gibbons demonstrates to the state of Nevada and the nation, he is an ignorant man. An uneducated man. A man without the ability to reflect, see the bigger picture, weigh the future consequences of his decisions.
All these skills are taught to children in Nevada. Despite his poor leadership, his sorry role model for students, and shallowness.
The state of Nevada is evolving into just that-a sorry state of affairs.
How incredibly sad. Jim Gibbons will now offer up our children as sacrifice rationalizing his perceived grand plan of keeping his mantra "No new taxes"
He has given up the poor, the elderly, the abused, the homeless, the unemployed and the disabled.
Who will be left in our state? Business cannot make a profit without people.
When the State of Nevada turns its back on the citizens, what is left?