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Wednesday, April 08, 2009

The Sky is falling!! Corporations love Chicken Little!!

Depression my a--
In lockstep with Chicken Little's "The sky is falling, The sky is falling!", corporations greedily grab the media "Woe is Me" onslaught of coverage to the masses to create another "Golden Goose" at the expense of the American people.
Never underestimate the avarice and heartlessness of corporate profits.
Taking the opportunity is like stealing Mary's Little Lambs.
Cutting jobs and announcing profit losses -translation-, "this is an opportunity to redefine worker expectations.
We can say, "Times are tough", cut salaries, lay off the most senior workers, break unions backs, --
Why!! We can ask for just about anything! And they do!!
Workers give back wages, benefits, lose retirement investments, work less hours, give up lunch hours, add impossible job responsibilities, work overtime without pay, and not one Chicken Little peep!! Keep quiet long enough and who needs labor laws? Terror will be the "new labor law".
The martyr mentality and quick to judge ignorance of the masses if anyone dares to publicly complain about the loss of livlihood bound and gag workers -ah!- the corporate gods are smiling gleefully.
Most of the what you read and hear sells,-sells so well, we all bend over.
Don't ever underestimate the corporate culture my fellow citizens. Ever.
Ironically they are the ones who created this mess taking on massive debt to overextend their brands. Creating profit and loss statements from Grimm's Fairy Tales with the help of the Seven Dwarfs accounting firms-"Hi-Ho-Hi-Ho, creative profit we will show"...
Next time you read or hear about how "The Sky Is Falling" remember, it isn't the corporations' sky, it's ours.