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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Now I know why the peasants went crazy...

There was something freeing today, about President Obama's inauguration.
A ton of weight lifted from my heart.
I did not realize what fear and anxiety I held inside until now.
Not a baby boomer but old enough to watch -through child's eyes I saw Kent State, the assassination of both Kennedy's and Martin Luther King. I watched my cousin go off and never return from the Vietnam War.
I lived through the trials of impeachment and eventual resignation of Nixon. Ford pardoning him.
These past eight years instilled a subtle fear-insidious actually-knowing phone calls could be monitored without cause, citizens could be locked up without representation, a right to a fair trial-
unions weakening and workers losing many of the rights hard earned by the violent confrontations between worker and owner.
I grew up in Detroit, experiencing the consequences of layoffs and strikes. The deep gashes on my fathers hands from working the assembly line.
Now I understand why peasants went a little mad during the French Revolution. Destroying property and executing the elite.
Not that I would ever condone the deaths of any persons-but desperation and fear are two toxic companions.
Hunger, helplessness , fear and hopelessness drive humans to desperate acts.
I am grateful we have an opportunity to walk the road of justice, toil with pride amidst the ethics of hard and good work,
Open the shades and let honesty into our country again.
No longer see the fear reflected from countries, once our allies, at the unpredictability and arrogance.
I began to wonder if our country really wanted to rush that road of zealotry and harsh judgement under the guise of a new form of Christianity.
I am filled with joy that we have a chance to make it right-for the future generations, and hopefully, for a tiny smidgen- in my lifetime, as well.