My stomach is in knots when I read the news. I don't remember getting on this roller coaster ride voluntarily -and I sure don't know how to get off unless pleading ignorance is the E Ticket ?
I do not believe in profiling race to control immigration.
I don't believe 2 1/2 million unemployed people in our nation are "whiners" and "lazy"
I don't believe every person losing a home to foreclosure is shirking responsibility.
I don't believe we need to "tighten our belts" in order to control the economy.
I do believe the middle class are disappearing.
Many professionals have been laid off to "save money" and are replaced with "younger, inexperienced" people.
Why do I believe it?
Because companies are making record profits and the unemployment and foreclosure rates continue upwards yet consumer spending rates are down.
So big companies and Wall Street are doing great but our citizenship is struggling and losing ground financially.
No, I don't want to go along on this crazy ride called,
"We don't want more taxes, we want less-
and no we don't care who is suffering out there, if families are suffering, it is their problem".
I don't like being on the ride called, "Public schools are horrible, teachers and government employees are over paid, let's cut them off even more."
Our "voice" per se, as a nation, has become one of hostility, heartlessness , selfishness and greed.
I don't know how this happened or where it is coming from, but it isn't the "E ticket ride" I chose.
Get me off.
This nation feels like a bad "Chuckie" movie, and I don't like it.