you're kidding, right? wrote on May 18, 2009 04:03 PM:Gibbons is a bad on Nevada the same way Bush was a bad joke on the country.
He should just lay low until his term ends and then scurry out of town like a lost rat.
LuvGuv meeting with the most important man on the planet? Yeah, rightdan wrote on May 18, 2009 03:58 PM:Gibbons better stick to married Reno women for his 'meetings'.
President Obama has more important things to attend to than helping to prop up a failed governor with 15% approval ratings.
GOP wrote on May 18, 2009 03:47 PM:Well even Bush and McCain wouldn't meet with Gibbons last year. The top Republicans in the state and nation want nothing to do with him. Gibbons must be very lonely if he wants to meet President Obama.
Hopefully the GOP can oust the lame duck in the primary.
Waste of... wrote on May 18, 2009 03:43 PM:...time for President Obama to meet with a dog. Didn't he just get one
scary jim wrote on May 18, 2009 03:32 PM:Jim Gibbons is a creep. Why would anyone want to "meet" with him
ames wrote on May 18, 2009 03:14 PM:Of course President Obama won't meet with our embarrassing governor.
Jimmy a low-life misfit while the president is the most popular person in the worldD
an wrote on May 18, 2009 03:08 PM:If Gibbons wasn't such a complete idiot Obama would meet with him.
Think of it this way, if you were president would you want to meet with "I'llTextUAtMidnite" Gibbons?
'Nuf said.
Same Gibbons wrote on May 18, 2009 02:34 PM:"Gibbons said he was disappointed that Obama isn't making an effort to "repair the damage" done by his comment in February that corporations shouldn't use bailout funds for trips to Las Vegas or the Super Bowl or to get corporate jets."
Is this the same Gibbons that refused the FED money for unemployment benefits?
So Gibbons is all for spending the money supplied by other tax payers of the USA.
The real reason Obama will not meet with Gibbons is because he would be unable to control his laughter at the luv guv.hannon wrote on May 18, 2009 02:23 PM:Oh, please. Gibbons knows darn well that Obama has nothing to do with the drop in tourism. He also shouldn't be surprised by the fact that Obama doesn't have time for him, particularly after his "invitation" to come talk to him.
President Obama is coming to Las Vegas later this month for a political fundraiser, but he will not help the struggling families in Las Vegas and Nevada who are out of work because of his reckless comments." ????Wake up ZERO, he does not want to meet with YOU! Very few would waste their time and energy to meet with you. This has nothing to do with his care for those in Las Vegas or Nevada being out of work.
You played games with the stimulus money - said you did not want it and then took it. You are the one who brought negative change to Nevada, you have lied to us over and over again.Resign please.
- By VegasbikeCan someone remind who this Jim Gibbons is?I thought sum zero only met with cocktail waitresses, when he was not texting his girlfriends on state time.Have to say he is the most entertaining gov. in the country. Rather listen to him that watch the Grand old Opera.
- Ms Kate5/18/09 at 3:59 p.m.Gibbons has no credibility as a governor or even as a human. He is an embarrassment to the State of Nevada; how he was elected is anyones' guess.
He really is a country song. And a bad one at that.
If anything, the President shows good taste and common sense in not meeting with Gibbons. Gibbons makes Blago look like a rank amateur
Thank-you, "Have no mercy, take no prisoners". Las Vegans!