My references are great. Problem is I can't seem to get a face to face interview. With online applications, discrimination is alive and well.
I do not feel bitter. Only challenged. The low paying temp job I am working is actually a job I love working. It is a challenge and most importantly to me it seems to have real merit.
Yet I can't help feel a little disappointed and yes, cynical about the culture of corporate America.
The culture kind of gouges its' own pretty face when evaluating job applicants based on the pretty picture on the page. There is an element of narcissism in the corporate world. The desire to homogenize the working forces. The corporate suits. The huge conference tables. Traditional colors . Traditional work ethics.
I ask? Have these done much to advance the success of our nation?
Isn't this the tradition of the European culture that once ruled our country?
How is it going, England? Any major advances in the world in the past thousand years?
It seems to me that the successes of our nation were not exactly made of corporate culture stuff. If fact, many inventions and creations were made during those "twilight human years" corporate culture deems irrelevant.
I have been mulling this for awhile. I will move off this grid.
Since age 14 I have paid taxes and social security to the US government. I have also paid my share of real estate taxes, state and city taxes. I believed in government structure. I believed in our economic philosophy and while my professions have always been working with those at the bottom of that structure, my goal was always-using my knowledge and expertise to provide advocacy, education and counseling enabling others to reach for the opportunities and goals offered in our culture.
So moving off the grid, for me, means to stop looking for my place on the economic grid and relinquishing any aspirations I have to maintain my citizenry via activism and advocacy.
Oh, I will. as always, continue to be the responsible professional if employed. But my loyalty and belief to a system which counts me out is foolish.
I am on a quest to find a way to earn the money I need to live without adhering to our country's economic philosophy and rules.
I will earn a living .
I recognize I am no longer considered eligible for the country club of the United States workforce.
I will create my own version of work.
My own rules.