I would ignore them -yes-I would-if the MEDIA didn't repeatedly inundate my newspapers, radio waves and TV with such drivel.
Not even a gentle spoon feeding occurs here-they way the media crams this at us it feels like a onslaught-full fledged enema only we have no way to expel it and I am starting to get a little PISSED OFF.
Unfortunately even the good things get fed via enema to us-
Yes, it is exciting to wait for the last Harry Potter Book-yes-it is fun to contemplate the closing of a phenomenal set of tales. But every frickin day? Five times a day-how many ways can you say it, for crying out loud??
Yeah, we know Bush is a screw up. We know Cheney is a bizarre little man-something out of a Rod Serling story-and we also know that the Republican Right Wing Christian Conservatives are a bunch of moralistic hypocrites that have more than likely steamier sex lives than any of us boring liberals will have-being in the hooker directory and all-
Okay. Enough. Quit trying to give me another enema. I read it. I know it. Now just get them out of there so we can get on with business.
If there is one thing we Americans like to do-more than just about anything else in our culture-it is drool, savor, boast, brag, snit, judge, tut tut, point fingers and prolong any agony we might come across.
Can't we just move on?? Take action, for crying out loud. Do something and move on.
I'll bet those Salem Witch Hunt trials and burnings had more exposure than OJ Simpson on his , "if the glove doesn't fit you must acquit" day.
No wonder McCarthy had so much power during his communist witch hunt-no one wanted to give up the lust for blood factor.
What a barbaric culture we are.
If the media reflects our culture we are in some sad shape-friends-prepare for many enemas ...