The first priority of President Obama when taking office was to restrict lobbying of our legislators and government officials.
Impossible. Their insidious tentacles weave throughout our government affecting every small business, farmer, entrepreneur, educational system, dairy farmer, health care, government worker and yes, even the Avon ladies of our country.
Those who freak at media scares over the swine flu should be paying more attention to the virus currently killing thousands, if not millions in our country.
Lobbyists-for corporations which have taken our jobs overseas, broken the backs of unions, jacked up the prices of produce and dairy products, kept our energy prices exaggeratedly inflated, created massive layoffs in the auto industry by allowing foreign auto companies huge tax breaks to build in our country, won concessions from the government to hide massive amounts of our dollars in offshore banking institutions, and continue each day to rape our country of our natural and made made resources, leaving us citizens unemployed .
Welcome to the new poor.
Those having worked all their lives, followed the governmen'ts recommendations to invest in 401k's,
buy homes and purchase goods and services in the USA, now, losing their homes, no safety net, working as if we were in the early 1900's, for a pittance, with the corporations calling the shots.
The world of reduced hours which means no benefits, no health insurance and no holiday pay.
We have regressed. We need to recognize it and get mad.
Do not kill the messenger. Get over your prejudices. Those feelings are only a smokescreen for the inability to take responsibility for the stupid trust we have given to past administrations handing over our livlihoods to greedy corporations.
Our first step?
Kick the lobbysists out of Washington.
Kick them out.
Kick out any legislator who accepts anything -campaign money, a trip to the Bahamas, a dinner, a pen.
No lobbyists.
Force legislators to make policy based upon the citizens of this country.
Kick them out.
Our government system is so corrupt with payoffs and lobbyists, our nation has become a mass of angry cynics.
Rather than clean it up we are on a road to self destruct.
Stop acting like petulant, grounded teenagers.
Let's work together and unravel the tentacles which strangle our democracy.
Start our own lobby.
Each citizen is a part of it.
Lobby the Lobbyists Out!