Two years ago the Las Vegas Review Journal was still printing articles about the how Las Vegas would never become a part of the housing bust beginning to shake the west. Sherman (the editor) found every article he could by whatever charlatans he could dig up to reassure the people of Las Vegas that THIS housing market was an exception to the rule.
Vegas has the highest foreclosure rate in the country, right now. Do you think he prints that? Oh, perhaps a few lines about how we are suffering like everyone else....buried in the back of the business section written in Chinese...The highest foreclosure rate in the country. Florida ranks number two.
Vegas sets the standard in greed, indifference and corruption. If you want to watch a mini version of what could happen to the rest of the US in terms of downfall based on lies, corruption, disillusionment, good ol' boy politics, raking the dollars and ignoring the people -watch Las Vegas.People are literally walking away from homes and allowing the banks to foreclose.
In fact, I just had a friend who remortgaged her house enough times based on an overinflated value she can't afford the payments. She said, "Oh, I'll just let the bank short sell it-everyone is doing it."
Truthfully, the California investors. those with the sub prime mortgages-most of the people who buy here have no investment in the community.
Why is that? Maybe because the state is not invested in the communities.
After the state legislators recessed this year they left behind-
no plan to improve the roads and gridlock of Las Vegas, no substantial plan to address the huge and ever growing school population and the swinging door of over a thousand teachers leaving a year-the housing shortage and the high cost of housing which has discouraged people who leave the state-the fact we are in a water crisis and have no plan except to steal water wherever we can-the high cost of living and utilities-much like California
What did they do??
Tried to pass a law allowing teachers to bring guns to the classroom-gave big casinos "green tax breaks" for not wasting water-and no a hell of a lot else-
except Gibbons as an afterthought told the Government it could use our precious water to drill at the Nuclear storage it has been trying to install 60 miles from the casinos of Las Vegas.
I could keep going-but of what use?
I tell you-watch this state-if you want to see an example of disaster-a living example of how corruption, greed and dishonesty can destroy a state...