Caution! We test, We Twitter, Those Sweet Old G'ma Days? Over!

Looking for a little common sense amongst all those pompous, blow hard media types?
You got it!

Monday, August 11, 2008

George Bush telling Russia what to do???????

Please, spare us the embarrassment and agony of your hypocritical stance on Russia's conflict with Georgia.

Who are you to criticize Russia for invading another region??

Would you please just go away and try keeping your foot out of your mouth for the next few months?

Who told you that you have any street cred left??

You remember all that political capital you bragged about after your reelection?


Spare us your indignation and try placing your focus on your own people-remember us??
The one's losing our homes, paying to bail out banks and mortgage financiers-paying for a war we don't want-paying your oil buddies while they rape us-and the struggle we have while your carte blanch permission for deregulated phone, electric, water and gas(and food) have created a nation of struggling, living on the edge of financial failure, citizens -while you eat cake with your cronies.

You don't have an iota of credibility-so keep your mouth shut-and maybe we can start to clean up your mess in three months. We hope.