A current CNN poll reports 68% of those responding believe corporal punishment is still a valid way to discipline America's children. Beating children, like using the death penalty, research shows, have never been effective deterrents . Not ne civilized nation in the world uses the death penalty anymore. Place the US with the uncivilized nations who amputate limbs for theft and stoning for adultery.
A current report states 1 in 15 children live below the poverty level in the United States. Oh! This is the belt tightening preaching we have been hearing since our economy collapsed, after our military spent over a trillion dollars on two wars with countries having no organized military.
In Las Vegas over the past three months an average of one murder a day occurs.
Read the paper. If you plan to visit do not leave the strip, do not become involved in an argument, and stay away from the crosswalks and curbs. Nevadans have a nasty habit of running over pedestrians. You see, alcohol and drugs are staples in the single Nevadan males lifestyle-but so is irresponsible behavior like drunk driving.
In the Republican primaries lunacy reigns supreme-from candidates who don't know geography, to those who proudly claim a lack of education fostered their ignorance, to sexual harassment charges. Perry? Cain? Bachman? Romney and his golden tablets from Missouri? How can anyone take these people seriously? Have we totally lost it?
Protesters is Oakland's Occupy Wall Street were tear gassed yesterday. We tear gas our own people for protesting? In a liberal bastion such as San Francisco/Oakland area?
The United States refuse to recognize Palestinians but the United Nations has. So the US will take its' wad of cash and go home. US reasons are the worst ever.
Huge campaign donations continue to pour into the coffers of the crazy Republican presidential nominees, not one peep on who would step up to embrace the principals of the Democratic party aside from our Centrist, mostly conservative President Obama.
Lindsay Lohan received a special dispensation from her 30 day jail sentence so she could pose for Playboy magazine.
Kim Kardashian continues to make headlines.
This is a snapshot of the US today.
Does the word "Superpower" ooze out of any of these stories?
We have become a nation of loonies.