Yeah, this isn't exactly Clark County School District, Nevada-but the picture just about tells the story of how much teachers get paid to live in this enormously expensive town-which is getting even more expensive as we speak..
I think we get paid, based on inflation and cost of living just about the same as these teachers were getting paid then, NOT adjusted for inflation and cost of living.
I have to qualify my bitch by telling you I love teaching -the kids are still magical and full of wonder-the smiles on their faces as they walk in the door each morning opens my heart and reminds me , often, that the world isn't full of crap-we still have the kids-and it is worth it.
For the past three of my six years I have worked my ass off at an at risk school, along with a number of other teachers. We have stuck it out-moving from a spanish speaking curriculum to all english-going to school ourselves, in constant training to bring the best from our kids and the past two years have paid off.
Going from a failed school of thirty years to making AYP-or passing the "Bush" test, has been an enormous task and the kids should be very proud!
Yet we will be 1200 teachers short this year which puts a burden on us teachers who stay and remain committed. Teachers stay about two years at our schools and move back home, whereever that is, retire, quit teaching altogether or find a place with a lower cost of living with affordable housing.
Yet our legislature refused to provide a decent salary increase so teachers don't want to work here. They cut out retirment incentives for those of us who work at at risk schools and cut out health insurance discounts for teachers at retirement. Basically, they said "Screw you", put millions of dollars in their new concept of "Superintendant's Schools-those schools which get extra money and get to decide how to teach, added all day kindergarten, which we need-and told the teachers, sorry, assholes-don't have anything left for you.
That left us with a teacher shortage of 1200-and let me tell you-I am so discouraged and so fed up I am either going to go work at private schools, leave the field altogether or move to another state.
I had an incredible principal at my school. After five years of teaching, I know how to help my kids make the grade and make learning fun and indelible.
Our kids deserve better. If I were a parent in this district I would be be screaming bloody murder if my kid had permanent substitute teachers year after year. Last year we were 600 teachers short. This year double.
It isn't that we have new openings for 1200 teachers. Lets find out why so many are leaving??
Or just read what I wrote. Affordable housing is nonexistant-starting prices are over 250,000., utilities are outrageous and the cost of gasoline, groceries and services are more than even Wal-Mart can bear.