I think I can speak for most citizens when I say we are sick of politics as usual.
Politics as usual seem to encompass an insidious, blatant corruption at just about every level-local. county, state and federal. Layer it with an arrogance reserved for the wealthy, the greedier than thou corporate bonus slackers and the laugh in your face wall street /bankers using their blanket mandate from the prior repubulican government to take every dollar possible from the citizens of the US while off shore banking profits, using tax shelters and outsourcing jobs, I guess you could say we are not only sick of it but cynical, angry and outright hostile.
Yes Americans still want to believe in something. Thus the finger pointing at specific political parties.
As if all of them aren't responsible for the current state of affairs.
Our destructive devisiveness does nothing to force change in our country's manner of doing business.
In fact, spinning our wheels states it mildly.
It seems as if we are on a path of self destruction, our anger loose, our beliefs staid, stubborn and sadly, ignorant.
Those who could put us back together, those we believed would change the direction and destiny of our country -are those we elected, hoping change, change which would address the ills of our country, our economy, our civil rights, our very democracy, present themselves as charlatans-lying with aplomb, brazenly twisting truth, and no longer caring if citizens call them on it-because we no longer have consequences for unethical behavior, hypocritcal acts, yes, even illegal behaviors are acceptable in our hall of congress and government seats of power.
How did we get here? One of the greatest democracies in the world? The doors to opportunity are now in India, perhaps other countries which, while having problems, still have a dream of a better world.
I keep waiting, pollyannish though it may be, for my fellow citizens, waiting for their anger, sense of justice, hope for the future of their children, and yes, that old work ethic Americans have proudly adhered to in eras past, to wake up, to notice and take on the brokenness of our country-one crooked politician, one greedy bank, one selfish lobbyist at a time-to vote-to speak-to let the two party system which is curently failing us, which has failed us and will continue to do so unless we vote-not for the two party system, but for the mavericks, the independants, the ethical outspoken eccentrics and innovators-who will speak and act on the truth.
This nest election, we need to vote for neither party.
Remember those signs from the last election? "Anybody but Bush?"
We need new slogans-anybody but democrats or republicans.
They are destroying our country.
Continuing to vote for them as if we have no other option is not the democracy our country founded.
Let us change our own destiny, as citizens of the United States.
Begin by listening and then send the message to all parties-you are failing us.
Remember us? The citizens of the Unites States?
You are failing us and we can do something about it-
We can vote you all out. Both parties. All of you.
We can, and we will.