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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Collective Fear-A Vicious Cycle

There isn't much empty land to squat on nowadays. Laws have changed since 1929. Money is supposed to be insured so banks can't just tell you-"Too bad", laws are supposed to be in place to protect the most vulnerable of our people, social security, medicaid, unemployment, welfare acts are supposed to provide food stamps for the truly desperate.
All of these provisions were implemented during Roosevelt's administration to protect the US economy and its people from another great depression.
Yet unemployment rates are soaring, mortgage defaults continue, wave after wave of layoffs continue-
Why ? Has our economic system really been a house of cards all along? How can we stop this downward spiral?
Us little guys don't have much control, do we?
We are at the mercy of business and the way our economy is built, those who invest pull the strings.
As we lose jobs, we don't have money to spend, business suffers, more layoffs occur, business suffers and the spiral continues.
I really do believe collective fear is an insidious thing-crawling into our psyches, disabling us, or worse yet, signaling that old "fight or flight" instinct, often bringing out the worst-you know, that part of us that oozes anger, attacking those around us, looking for a cliche to blame-those who have, portraying others as less than human, if they don't have.
I am waiting for one big corporation, one world business leader, one very influential group, or even one little voice of a powerful powerless person to ring aloud, the sense we all need to hear-
"That we are in this together and there isn't anything we can't do collectively to make this earth better for us and our families.
If we believe we will always have food to eat, a job to put our honesty and labor into-a roof over our heads for our families, and that those we love will have the same safety because we have their backs, , we will be just fine.
Give the fear back to that place in your mind that stores it-you know the place where sometimes the worst can come out of us?
Put it back in there. Take stock of your strengths-the ones which mean the most in this life-your health, those you love, what you can do to give back instead of take-
don't let the fear mongers in the news, the doomsday naysayers in the press, those whose negative energies spill out to grab you-don't let those take you off the path you know is right-
You know that path-the one that reduces us to the basic, the very basic core of what our needs really are-our belief that life is good because we have all those essential necessities in life-and as long as we have each other-that is all that counts.
Don't let it go-not for a second.