I teach second grade. Kids tattle a lot in second grade. I have a policy.
When two students have a conflict I encourage them to work it out. They meet away from the other students and talk to each other and come back to tell me what they worked out. If the can't work it out I help them through the process. If one refuses to work it out, I make a decision.
They almost always work it out.
Because they don't have an audience watching them.
We Americans are dying out here away from the Washington elite.
Congress doesn't need a stimulus package, we do.
I consider the Republican party, as it is now, one of the most destructive forces to America.
They are so far removed from what is happening to us they will destroy our nation.
They do not represent the hard workers of this country.
They represent lobbyists, big business and the capitalist system.
It is ironic they believe if we did not have to pay social security and federal taxes we would be okay.
Who the hell has a job -with so many people unemployed -how will they get back social security and federal taxes?
The GOP sees this moment as an opportunity to show they still have power.
Guess what? We don't care about your power. Your bully pulpit is destroying our country-just like it has for the past eight years.
I have a solution.
Congress can't talk about this process anymore. No more grandstanding speeches on the Capitol steps. No more Rush Limbaugh interviews, no more scare tactics.
While we are dying on the vine, Congress has a responsibility to its constituents-that means all of us little people for once.
Don't talk. Don't say one word to us until you have a Stimulus bill worked out. No more tattling. Work it out. DO your job.
The come back to us and tell us what you think is best for our country.
Then do it.
This process is destroying us.