Okay-so the government bailed out Bear Stearns-shored up Sallie Mae and made a few new rules that are supposed to help us save our houses.
Yeah, right. The only people who benefit from the new rules are the banks and the mortgage companies. Great job, assholes in Congress. Thanks for nothing.
And you wonder why people walk away from their houses, handing you the keys.
Oh, then there are the moralists who talk about OBLIGATION and HONOR.
Remember that old saying-There is no HONOR among thieves??
Three months before the bottom of the housing market fell out I bought a townhouse in Las Vegas, NV. haha Yeah, keep laughing.It is now worth half the price of what I paid for it.
Guess what? The county raised my fucking taxes anyway!!!!!
I used to believe in honor and obligation. For thirty years I have paid my bills on time. I have owned four houses before this one.Never late on a payment.
I had credit cards. Never late on a payment.
Utility bills on time.
Car loans paid in full-never a late payment.
I work two and three jobs now. I support four people on my salary.
I don't need to tell you how credit card interest and fees from banks, even late fees from utility payments and the rising cost of groceries have placed us in victimized positions.
We have no say anymore. Even a threat to discontinue service has no sway.
Since decentralization of services and goods, building of monopolies once again, prices are skyrocketing and we are screwed,
So. I say. screw em. Walk away from that house. Pay your bills at the edge. Screw em
If enough of us say, Screw credit ratings. Screw bank charges and overdraft fees, screw em-walk away.
No one will be a "good risk" and they just might have to change the tune of "Screw the masses"
Thanks Bush. For freeing us of our moral obligation to feel responsible anymore.
You started it.
Giving free reign to corporations to screw us over means Bear Stearns, Sallie Mae and a host of credit card companies are going to take it in the a..
Your buddy Ken Lay started this screwing with Enron employees. With your blessing.
Watch how the American people deal with it.
I'm putting my money under the mattress from now.
I don't trust anyone.