What did you say??? You haven't seen your kid for three years? Dealing with mom too much hassle?
Kick your ass to the curb, I say. Not too much the kid would gain from knowing you anyways, eh?
This isn't accolades for those Dads out there who know the value of their contributions to their kids. You guys don't walk arround looking for pats on the back because you all love your kids-family is family and whatever the constitution of it your place starts from the heart..hearty hugs from all your kids..
Naw, this one is for you guys who seem to think kids are disposable and your role isn't important, so why try? Or perhaps each time you pay that child support you get all in a wad-forgetting that few moms live on easy street even with your paltry monetary contribution. So you think child support payments make you a dad? .Your proud of that, eh? never missed a payment. .. Your new wife and new baby have to sacrifice because of it and that's not fair, eh? You never get to see your kids anyway, so why should you pay?
If you do any one thing right in your life let's hope you come to the realization that being a parent is probably the one act , the one gift you can provide your kids that will be immortal, everlasting, profoundly impacting-even, at times, the difference between a child's sense of happiness and well being and the streets.
Twenty-four million children in the United States live without fathers in the home. Twenty-four million. This means one in three children in the US live without a father. These kids are 5x more likely to be living in poverty. All kinds of risks are tied with being raised in a fatherless home. I am sure you could tell stories.
The point is, our kids need us. It's not about us and what we want -once we choose to bring other humans into this complicated, constantly changing world of ours. Once you have those kids, the days of "me,me,me" are over. Get over yourselves. Get over your excuses. Grow up. Give your kids a chance to make it in this world. If you're divorced, get over that, too-who cares? It's over-done. It's the kids turn now.
Our world is an ever increasing complexity of moral mazes we need to prepare our kids for as adults. Dads are such a crucial, crucial connection for girls and boys.
Girls need to learn about healthy relationsips with men-from their dads.
Boys need to learn about being men.
Girls need to learn about healthy relationsips with men-from their dads.
Boys need to learn about being men.
Step up to the plate, guys. Our kids really need you to make it in this world.
Don't ever underestimate your influence, dads, the loss of a dad has a profound impact on kids.