I would not bring children into our world.
Would you want to be responsible for bringing children into a world that looks destined to destroy itself because of our own ignorance?
I look around me, and it isn't about politics anymore. It's about watching our earth heat up, massive disasters, unpredictable weather patterns, increasing destruction of our resources, drought, continued pollution by industry with little or no progress toward rectifying it, and the disappearance of animals on our earth.
I used to worry that it would be my daughter and son that faced the destruction of earth, or maybe their children.
Now I am not so sure it will be my own generation who dies a natural death.
All because humanity's collision course with reality has become unreal to most of us and our powers of denial are unbelievable.
If I read or hear one more conspiracy theory I will scream.
Get off the keyboard-text messages and cell phones and look around you.
Look around and ask yourself if you see change- ask yourself if it is good.
If you think it is you are part of the problem.
How long do you think we can trash, deconstruct, compromise, pollute, and essentially not clean up our mess and not pay the price of losing our planet?
What will we do?