"President Obama's special counsel for ethics and government reform Norm Eisen announced that the administration no longer wanted federally-registered lobbyists appointed to agency advisory boards and commissions."
And it is about damn time.
Faster, quicker, how about NOW?
This "too big too fail" mantra gave Big Business the green light to keep screwing the American people.
Citizens are convinced if we don't bail out big business we lose jobs.
Wel, we bailed them out-
and the unemployment rate is 13%.
I want to know who out there believes Big Business Corporations are staying up nights fretting and handwringing over the millions of unemployed?
I say buy used!
We have enough product out there we can all sell to one another for the next ten years and then some.
Buy used. A small thing-but one we can control.
Quit buying big business products, let them suffer. Wall Street let us down. Let them down.