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Saturday, July 18, 2009

Generation X-Will You Be The "New Party?"

Dear Generation X-

You did it by voting for President Obama. Keep moving in that direction.

Do not follow the baby boom generation. It is my generation. From idealism to great greed and corruption, the baby boomers are destroying middle class America . They have stolen their pensions and cheated the middle class by eliminating retirement plans and selling them the 401k-a farce. . Passed laws that literally indenture citizens , (who have lost their jobs and homes)- legally tying Americans to a system of debt impossible to repay.
Entry level jobs have been shipped offshore to exploited third world countries for greater profit. American corporations scoff at nationalism or social conscience. They boldly and proudly proclaim their profits. Scorn and ridicule the impotence of American workers inability to impact their runaway trains of greed.
Today, while billions are made on Wall Street. millions of Americans are unemployed.
How does this continue?
Health Care Systems in America are scams. They charge huge dollars for insurance. Brazenly reject our needs, use dishonest tactics to stall services, selling our health to investors- shareholders -the health care industry has some of the largest profits in America- death is cheaper than life.
Health care earns their money when they can successfully deny service to their insured.

The tragedy of the baby boomer generation is they make no apologies for the rape of our country.
In fact, in their typical arrogant fashion, they find a way to blame the average American, spin their capitalistic sell -that more to the rich is good for all of us-boldly taking more from those with less-and actually convincing citizens to vote for this concept.

The central axiom of free-market capitalism is that the best allocation of resources is achieved through consumers having free choice, and producers responding accordingly to meet consumer demand.

The new capitalism definition is this:
Producers identify consumer need and market products. Consumers choose from the limited choices and price is fixed. Demand is driven and controlled by the producer not the consumer.

Baby boomers are at the end of their generation. Don't let that fool you.
They will suck you dry in old age, demanding it all and live 20 years longer than any other generation.

Do not turn your back on the United States. Step up to the plate.
It is time for new politics. New representation with new political parties.
Sadly the democratic and republican parties are so corrupted by lobbyists and financial influences even Barack Obama's idealism doesn't seem to be able to penetrate the wall of seven deadly sins congress has built around our nations democratic ideals.

Take it back for all of us. Please?
Don't lose hope.
Push aside the cynicism and hopelessness.

Get involved.
Start new government parties aligning with our constitution.
Make our earliest motto honest,
"For the people, by the people"

Power is only perceived. Change the perception.
Do not perceive this corrupted government as power.
Recognize the millions of United States citizens as the power base for our government.
As President Obama recognized, we want to have a say-he tapped into our long history of involvement as democratic citizens of this nation.

Until our representation at all levels of government is purged of corruption we do not have representation.

This is your next step.
Take it back for us, please?