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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Racism In Denial-Is Destroying Our Country

Racism ramps up anger.
The fact President Obama is a black male appears to have lit a fuse to those who aren't so openly racist. The polarization of our nation has little to do with the issues.
In fact, citizens are so angry they have replaced white hoods with tea party signs, fighting universal health care insurance, which, much like medicare, would benefit every person in our nation, rich or poor.
Placards about taxes, which haven't changed for the middle class and poor, in fact, have been lowered, are actually protested.

It seems, any issue the Obama administration has addressed, be in credit, finance and bank reform, stimulating the economy, has been met with, not a majority of protest, but loud, racist, anitreligious , untruthful falsehoods and accusations.

Our history as slave owners, our violent protests to disallow integration, our subtle yet effective methods of maintaining high unemployment rates for black men and woman, our laws and lack of enforcing them have maintained our black citizens at the poverty levels, in the poorest schools living in the poorest neighborhoods .This does not seem to be at the forefront of issues for those who protest President Obama's administration.

In fact, racism in our country seems to have been given a free pass with President Obama in the White House.
Racism in denial, a dangerous form of racism, in which an individual will vehemently deny feelings or actions of bias and racism, yet feeling an uncontrollable rage and passion towards this administration, fighting against ghosts-such as the "Muslim issue, the birth certificate, the socialist and fascist accusations-are not only unreasonable and factually incorrect, but from an outside observation, appear to have created an insanity inside out country, one of absolute craziness and danger.

The fifties and sixties are still remembered by many of us. The dogs, the tear gas, the billy clubs.
Watching old films of black men and women walking in protest, beaten by the very people hired to protect them, living in the era, and watching the death of Martin Luther King, watching many cities burn, a violent era of fighting for the very rights each citizen is promised in our country.

Now I watch as we step backwards, calling the country's racism, "tea parties", goaded by a " anit-scrupulous" media- goading, the unease and that racism of denial, we head toward a disaster bigger than any issue our country debates.

As civilized countries around the world watched, amazed, the United States, as a superpower, is -no longer a stable neighbor.
We are quickly becoming, a gigantic threat, unstable, bizarre, blatantly corrupt, blatantly racist, and willing to destroy our own Constitution and form of government,.
Why? Because those in our country who cannot or will not deal with their anger and racism, divert that energy -many in great denial -would rather destroy our country than support a black man as our President.